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How to Streamline Meal Planning to Save Time & Energy

healthy food Sep 02, 2018

It's back-to-school time and that means getting back into a routine, including meal planning. I have a love/hate relationship with meal planning. I love the benefits meal planning provides me, but I sometimes resent the work involved, it feels daunting. I mean, why can’t the meal fairy just show up every time it’s time to eat?

The truth is, once I start the process I’m so grateful I took the time to be prepared and it’s really not that hard once I get into a groove. Meal planning saves me so much time and energy. Even though I’m an intuitive cook who knows my way around the kitchen well, I still need a little help getting inspired and planning.

So, if you are on a mission to eat the healthiest foods possible so you can make sure you feel your best and have energy every day… BUT you can’t seem to figure out what on earth to make for dinner every night because you forgot to plan. Sound familiar?

Life’s just too busy, right?

Here’s the thing… if you really want to obtain your health goals whatever they might be, you have GOT TO HAVE A PLAN.

Whether it be you have an illness, fatigue, no stamina left at the end of the day, you want to lose weight, your kids have health issue, your husband has high blood pressure, or whatever reason on the planet, you'll need a plan that helps you create consistent daily eating habits.

You don’t obtain your goals without a plan. PERIOD.

So, I’m here to let you in on a little secret today, and I think you are really gonna love it…it’s a real food meal planning service that is completely customizable to your specific needs.

It also includes LIVE support whenever you need! OMGEE! How freaking cool is that?

Ladies, let’s face it…we all need more support these days to do the umpteen million things we’ve gotta do, and truth be told, what you eat is pretty darn important. So, if you are having trouble getting healthy meals on the table with ease, it’s time to get some support already!

Meal Planning Made Easy With Real Plans

Do YOU need a support system to help you with your meal planning so it’s customized to your needs so you can save time, energy, and avoid the stress of last-minute meals or be running out for takeout constantly?

In this video, I show the insider’s view on how to use Real Plans, my favorite meal planning service.

Real Plans creates and organizes recipes, generates a weekly menu, grocery lists and a day-by-day roadmap for getting healthy, delicious food on the table. They clear the path to the kitchen so you can focus on feeding your family just the way you want.

I've been using Real Plans for several years now and recommend them to all my clients when they ask me for recipes, meal plans and shopping lists. If you are asking the question, what on earth do I eat or cook, feel lost & overwhelmed and tired of ordering take-out; definitely check out Real Plans it's totally risk free and honestly kind of fun.

Save Time & Energy: Have Your Groceries Delivered

Whole Foods Delivery (Instacart) is another great time saver if you live anywhere near a whole foods. If you are an Amazon Prime member (and who isn't these days?) just download the app place your order online and they will deliver within 2 hours. How amazing is that? So just use the shopping list you'll get from your Real Plans menu and BOOM! I call that hitting the easy button!

You can stay home and help the kids get their homework done, or be running around picking everyone up while your grocery shopping is done for you. And, you'll feel like a badass for having all your ducks in a row!

Have you ever heard of Real Plans before? Or had your groceries delivered? I'd love to hear what works for you, leave me a comment below and let me know.

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