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How I Created An Empowering Winter Vision Board

A vision board is a way to create a powerful visualization practice.

My first ever vision board I did a few years back, was when I decided to start living much more intentionally. Instead of feeling held back, I chose to break free from the old ways of thinking that were keeping me stuck. And boy, what a journey that has been.

I decided that instead of waiting for life to happen to me, I wanted to happen to life. What a shift that mindset was, let me tell you. While I can’t say I embodied that mindset overnight, what I can say is that it has led me to a greater experience of self-actualization.

My vision board from 2016 helped me take my breakdown and turn it into a breakthrough. You can read my first vision board post here and follow along with my progression.

Last year (2018), I decided to do a quarterly vision board. I love doing it this way now, instead of once a year, because it gives me a chance to shift with the seasons. Every season I feel is a new opportunity for growth and expansion. I also am full of so many ideas that changing my vision board up seasonally feels really fun.

What I noticed in doing this last year was that it gave me the ability to expand & refocus my vision. As you can see by one of the images on my winter vision board; my own personal growth continues to shift and as i shift and grow, so does my vision and what I want to create. Some of my core vision remains the same, but I’ve  noticed I hone in on some of the things I envision with much more clarity.

I also love looking back over my vision board from each season to see what I did create and what i still want to create and get really excited about what is possible for me. It helps to motivate me. Instead of feeling stuck or playing small, keeping my vision board right out in the open where I can see it every day empowers me.

Here is my current process for making an incredibly empowering vision board:

Envision your intentions

Think of what it is you want to move towards in your life. What goals, dreams, ideas do you have right now. Spend some time journaling what comes to you. The key here is to allow for whatever they are to be enough. Don’t compare yourself to anyone and definitely do not judge yourself. Keep the process light, fun and purposeful.

Gather your materials

I now have this process down pat. I have a bulletin board that I use as my base and lay a poster board on, then with a glue stick add my images. I collect magazines that I like and keep a pile all season until it’s time to create my new board. I do this around the date that the season changes. If you can’t find the images that speak to you just head to a Barnes & Noble and pick a few magazines that excite you.

For my last vision board I was very excited to find Issue 25 of Mantra Wellness magazine specifically had a whole section for vision boards. The coolest part about finding that magazine was I couldn’t possibly use all the resources it contained on just one vision board so I kept it for future boards.
Watch the Facebook live video I created for you all about this particular winter vision board.

Create a collage

Once you collect all your materials, choose the images that really inspire you and the goals you came up with for yourself. Make sure the images are a ‘heck yes’. Focus on how the images make you feel versus them being a perfect representation of your goals. You can even use Words that affirm how you want to feel and that express what you want to embody. You can see in my board I chose many words. Words that capture how I feel and want to show up in my life and my work. As well as Words that also state what I want to do more, such as travel for example.

Schedule a few hours to create your board and have fun with the process. I eagerly look forward to creating my seasonal vision board now. It’s like a date with myself!

Take time daily to look at your vision board

Now that you’ve created it, display it proudly so you can see it daily. Then purposely look at your board daily. I find the best times are first thing in the morning or at some point during my morning routine. Before my morning meditation or yoga or even while I enjoy my coffee and do my morning journaling. Do it how it will work for you. I also love taking a couple minutes to review it before bed so I can go to sleep with those images in my mind. This is a great way to train your subconscious mind while you sleep.

It’s really not a big process, it’s simple as long as you keep your board somewhere prominent to you that you’ll see it during the times of day you already have a ritual in place. Such as first thing in the morning and at bedtime.

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (in your health or life) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Do you journal? What life lessons have you learned from 2018? Let me know in the comments.


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