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How Mineral Imbalances Impact Our Personality, Emotions & Physical Health

In this podcast episode I was a guest on my friend Cailee of The Ripened Heart's podcast. We chatted about how I've observed that mineral imbalances do affect our emotions and personality in addition to our physical health. 

Did you know that having a mineral imbalance can have an impact on your personality and how you see the world?

Mineral balancing is a delicate dance because all minerals have a relationship with each other. Take too much calcium and you get a magnesium deficiency. Consume too much salt and you deplete potassium. It's complicated stuff! And with all of the stress we've been experiencing in the past year our bodies are more depleted of minerals than ever before.

Find this guest episode of mine with Cailee over HERE

I shared some personal stories and examples so you can realize just how interconnected we are individually. As a whole person, it makes sense that all of who we are; mind, body, emotions, personality or soul is all connected. It's then really no surprise that minerals, a key nutrient, that runs our human electrical system impacts this aspect of who we are as well. 

Enjoy the podcast! 

Mineral balancing is so key, it helps us to avoid serious health complications when we know how to approach minerals properly. This is a big reason I created my program: REMINERALIZE. To teach people how to approach minerals with balance in mind to enjoy the benefits and avoid all the health problems that ensue when we don't get our minerals right! 

If you want to recover or rebuild from wherever you are currently in your health journey - I invite you to join: REMINERALIZE. 

You'll soon be on your way to igniting back the spark you lost, who knows when, and get back to enjoying your life with newfound energy! 


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