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You Need To Know How To Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs So You Can Heal

mindset personal growth Nov 12, 2018

After the summer of 2009, I was ALL IN for my health and creating a whole new life for myself and my kids. I was ready to not only make the radical sweeping changes once but to have them stick for good. There was no going back for me. However, along the way I hit bumps and obstacles that caused me to feel restricted and blocked.

I used to be able to blame my not-so-cooperative ex and my exhaustion from the kids on why I couldn't seem to make progress or implement lasting change. But with him out of the way, that external barrier was no longer a problem.

Even with little money at the time, there were still plenty of things I knew I could do that did not require money to support my health. Like exercise, create a sleep routine, self-care and more. Additionally there were plenty of things I could do even in spite of time. Busyness was not really an excuse or limiting belief that impacted me in those years. However, learning to recognize my healing was my own damn responsibility was a larger pill to swallow than I realized.

You see, I had plenty of things happen to me in the course of my life that impacted my psyche. Plenty of abuse, neglect and even spiritual abuse. But what I started to see was that, while I wasn't responsible for the external actions imposed on me, I could choose to control how I responded and dealt with them. Healing of those things were my responsibility, no one else. If I wanted to truly heal deeply I had to learn ways to release the pain they induced upon me; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

So I realized some of the biggest things holding me back from my health and happiness, had nothing to do with the unhealthy food I was eating or my lack of exercise. Rather, they had everything to do with me not processing and healing my pain, feelings of unworthiness and as well as sense of purpose in my life whatsoever. Those were 3 of the top Iimiting beliefs I became aware of and slowly began to act upon.

Hiding From Or Avoiding Pain

I had become REALLY GOOD at hiding from anyone and anything that would cause me pain after the traumatic experience I went through getting free from my marriage. Sometimes, I even was damn good at raging about it all.

Neither of those emotions or behaviors went the distance to truly alleviate my pain, in fact they only exacerbated it. Until I learned how to emotionally detox and honestly allow myself to process through the painful things that had occurred in my life I felt blocked and stuck.

Ignoring my pain looked like, bingeing on Netflix for countless hours and avoiding responsibilities. It looked like hiding out in my room as a kid, because I had no one to talk to about my feelings. It looked like, creating an alternative fantasy world that was much more ideal to my own during the kids nap times while I was still in a toxic volatile marriage.

That only led to more depression, low energy and certainly did not fuel my soul passion. It wasn't until I could actually allow myself to grieve and process through my pain that I began to feel more liberated and energized.

Not Feeling Worthy

If in your subconscious mind you do not think that you deserve to feel good, you won't be motivated to do things that make you feel good. This is a limiting core belief that formed for me in childhood, which carried over into my marriage. It can stem from abuse or neglect and even witnessing violence. Also, in my case a religious belief of unworthiness that I learned from childhood.

For so much of my life I was taught to believe I was fundamentally flawed or unworthy of love and happiness. I've since learned this limiting belief has, throughout my life, caused me to unconsciously sabotage myself. I've seen it happen when I entered into intimate relationships, whenever I would try to begin a new fitness routine, start a new job or create anything meaningful in my life.

One way or another, I would “mess it up” to go back to my comfort level. Until I began to do the deep inner work to heal those wounds. That's when I started to shift this pattern in my life so it would no longer repeat and continue to limit how good I let things get.

No Vision Or Passion

As I've shared before I had forgotten my passion and purpose. Heck, I never really had a sense of purpose for most of my life. I had to go back in my memory to see when or where I misplaced them. I did this by going back to remember a time when I was happiest and what I wanted to achieve and create in life. That wasn't very easy by the way.

I personally take better care of myself when I am excited to be alive. It’s that simple. Why bother living longer, or improving your current quality of life, if you don’t feel inspired? This is why reaching for your highest potential is good for your health and well-being.

I've written a few posts about creating your vision in the past, check out my post; 'This is how you step more fully into your radiating power' or 'What happens when you create a vision board'.

How about you? What’s holding you back from your health and happiness?

Shine the light on it so you can both recognize it and then do something about it. Then create a safe space for your own self-care and self-love (as I've shared about in many of my blog posts), so you can expand your potential with health and happiness.

If you liked this post and want more inspiration like it, check this old podcast episode on YouTube; Who's Stopping You? , (the links may not be up to date on this, BUT the video topic and content are excellent).

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Have you ever considered that certain limiting beliefs are impacting your health & happiness? Let me know in the comments.

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