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How to Clear Your Clutter And Transform Your Life

In light of how much my physical body had gone through over the years, all the intense stress, I had to learn to rest a lot. So my body could heal and re-energize.

My body was basically telling me, by my constant crashes, to find time for rest and relaxation in order to improve my overall health. I was in it for the long game, no more quick fixes. Sustainable, lifestyle change became my new mission.

It really became necessary for me to take a reprieve from action and make space for contemplation. So, while I did just that I also began to do a lot of planning so I could clear all of my clutter; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Since I had plenty of down time to rest and recoup, planning became my new hobby.  I no longer wanted to live a life of reactivity. Or act as if life was just happening to me. Instead, I realized I have more control over how my life went than I previously thought.

Instead of rushing into action (aka: living in 'fight or flight mode'), it became necessary to put some deep consideration into what I desired to do next.

I let myself think through all of my options and explore different perspectives. So, I could what it took to feel prepared and ready before taking my next moves.

First, I began to consciously choose to stabilize my thoughts.

I did whatever made me feel the most centered and alert, mostly journaling and meditation to binaural beats under my infrared heat lamp.

Next, I began to plan, prepare and quietly stabilize myself. I learned I needed to treat my mental energy as a precious resource and do whatever I needed to bring it back to full capacity.

These steps both helped me take the most focused, simple actions to start to clear clutter in my life. I wanted to keep it simple. I wanted to be able to add all the habits I could to transform my health, but I knew I needed to pace myself.

Any time you are at a crossroads, where you feel you can't move forward with ease it's a good time to learn to de-clutter.

The simplest solution for me at that time was to find a simple daily to do list that only required I focus on the top 3 things for my family and top 3 things for my biz. That's it. I could add more when I got those done if I needed to or had the energy.

The time I spent resting and slowing down, I was able to clear my head. I was better able to determine which of my thoughts were essential to transform my life, one day at a time.

How To Clear Your Clutter

Clearing clutter is another way to detoxify, it's letting go of what is no longer serving you. It's a healthy habit that can become a lifelong practice. It serves as a form of stress relief for your body, mind and spirit. 

These steps are key to making de-cluttering a positive experience; they allow you to get a sense of satisfaction/completion and to feel energized to continue the process in the future!

1. Identify your higher purpose in de-cluttering and hold that in mind as you select which items to keep or discard. It may be a micro-purpose such as wanting to be able to use a drawer or closet, but there is almost certainly a macro reason. Examples: bring in financial abundance, reduce friction between you and a family member or just to feel free.

2. Select a time of day when your energy is high and avoid de-cluttering when you're exhausted or irritated. Support yourself energetically by putting on music, lighting a candle and/or incense, and drinking plenty of liquids.

3. De-clutter one area at a time (ex; a drawer or a closet). Begin in your bedroom. Create sanctuary.Clear a surface on which to de-clutter (table top,counter or bed). Cover bed with an old sheet.

Assemble boxes and label them clearly: "garbage,""give away," "friends and family" (items for specific people), and "disseminate" or "other rooms" (items that belong elsewhere in your house -this allows you to stay focused in the room you are working in). Additional categories might be "recycling," "repair,""attic," "sell/consign," or "decide/sort later."

4. Create beauty in the place you have cleared, perhaps with a favorite decorative item. This will  "protect" the space from accumulating clutter again so quickly. An essential step!

5. Identify ways to stop the flow of clutter into your life! This is key!

Read more on how you can tap more into the habit of decluttering in my previous post; ' How to increase joy, by decluttering your life'.

Now I would love to hear from you. Do you feel overwhelmed by the collective clutter in your life? Does it hold you back and slow you down? What ways have you learned to clear the clutter? Feel free to share in the comments!

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