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How to spark your enthusiasm for life

You're in your head too much, stressing, not sleeping. You feel like 100 tabs are open in your brain at all times. Perhaps you've become addicted to stress.

Your mind won't quit, you feel incredibly anxious and irritable, your body starts to revolt and then you begin to question your own sanity. Have I gone mad? Am I entirely losing my mind?

You literally feel guilty when you aren't on top of everything but yet you find yourself paralyzed in your chair not able to mobilize. All the while feeling guilt and shame because you are not being productive enough. But what you don't know, is your body is wise to park your ass for awhile.

You see, you can't run on fumes my friend. You can't run on an empty battery, you aren't the energizer bunny. You have to recharge your batteries. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

You as a grown ass woman still need to rest but also PLAY.

You wonder why you've lost your sense of fun and stopped creating your art, stopped making your music or stopped writing your novel?

Because you became a human doing and forgot you are a human being.

What's the solution to it all ? How can you pull yourself out of this downward spiraling funk?

The first step, is to acknowledge that you are allowed to just BE. Remember yourself as a child, carefree and playful. You didn't stop playing because you grew old and have tons of responsibilities. You feel that way because somewhere along the way, you stopped allowing yourself to PLAY. You stopped listening to your inner child who is FULL OF PLAY.

Give yourself permission to park your ass in that chair and slowly sip your morning coffee while blankly staring out the window. Without judging yourself and thinking you 'should be' doing something more productive. Let yourself bask in the moment, let yourself feel how you feel and allow your mind to wander.

Then give yourself permission to decide what you want today. Is there one thing you are hearing your soul call out for that you can allow it to have?

You can't hear your own soul speaking to you when you are in a state of hyper-vigilance. You won't know what you even want if you are stuck in the responsibility gear only. You can't enjoy your life fully if you're focused on your worth being tied to how much you accomplish. Or how dutiful you are. Nope.

Eventually, your mind/body/soul will scream at you in pain and you'll have to work through that before you can just get to the ease of just listening to your soul desires and enjoying them day in and out.

Your life was meant to be a beautiful synergy of being alive in all ways. Not just how well you perform you daily tasks. That is a soul sucking way to be. It's not truly living. It's robotic.

If you feel lost with a mind that won't allow you to express your inner voice and create your big beautiful is your day to shift that.

I believe I was born for more and you were too. Those big dreams you have or maybe the ones you won't let yourself have -they aren't there to disappoint you. Your dreams are there for a reason. They're there to compel you to fucking LIVE and enjoy your life. Not feel sad you can't have them. No, they are lights on the path to living your best life.

Today, if you take anything away from this post, I hope it's that you let yourself spend time enjoying something you enjoy. Your personal growth and healing from this pattern of stress inducing stuckness requires SPACE.

SPACE equals expansion, expansion equals growth and energy. Growth and energy allow you to tap into your creative self. Your creative self likes to PLAY. The more you play the more your creative side gets tuned in and on. The more you get tuned in and turned on the more alive you feel. The more energy you have. The more satisfied and happy you become.

Ladies, we are no longer required to just survive. We can thrive. In all ways.

And what becomes possible when a woman thrives? You tell me...

It's some powerful fucking magic that's for sure!

Now I would love to hear from you... do you feel like a human robot with 80 tabs open stuck in the throws of stress, not enjoying the playful side of life? Did you lose your sense of play along the way somewhere, stopping you from living out your big dreams? How can you play more today?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below... 

If you'd like more support beyond this post, I do work with women one on one. I have a very simple step for you, sign up for a breakthrough session with me. This session is an incredibly powerful life changing time. I'll empower you to take your play & pleasure seriously, so you can crowd out the hypervigilance & stress in your life. So you can breakthrough your own limitations and get back to living your dream life.


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