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My Favorite ENERGY Tonic In The World For Adrenal Fatigue


Ladies, if you are struggling with fatigue, burn out or exhaustion, listen up!

I'm about to share my favorite energy tonic in the world for adrenal fatigue.

It has been my go-to remedy and nourishing beverage, both for myself and my clients for many years now. Many women have thanked me profusely for getting them started on this powerful healing tonic and I want to share it with you, so you can get your spark back.

This is for you, if you have adrenal fatigue, or chronic fatigue, you really struggle to have enough energy daily to get up and get through your day without dragging your anchor so to speak. Especially if, you crave stimulants, such as coffee, chocolate or even stimulating supplements to kick-start your energy and keep you going. The problem is, you don't have the actual reserves in your body needed to have natural energy on your own.

One reason is because your body has burned through it's mineral reserves. That's why I love giving the body more bio-available sources of minerals and one of my favorite options is through nettles infusions. It's a great way to nourish your adrenals.

The Health Benefits of Nettles

Nettles is one of the most superior tonic plant-food/herb there is. It is like a vitamin factory and activates your metabolism by strengthening and toning the entire system.

Nettles are a very versatile and effective medicinal herb, something we should all have in our pantries. Nettle is rich in many minerals, including iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, magnesium, manganese, zinc and chromium. It’s also high in easy to assimilate forms of B vitamins and a host of other vitamins and minerals. Nettles are a very balancing food/herb for health.

Nettles is a wonderful overall support tonic and could be considered an excellent food based multi-vitamin. Nettle stimulates the lymph, boosts immunity, helps with GI disease, IBS and constipation and much more.

Mineral and vitamin-rich, Stinging Nettle is a naturally nutritious way to help maintain a healthy urinary tract and flush toxins from your system. It is said to uplift a weary body, reduce fatigue, and improve thyroid, kidney, and bladder functions.

Stinging Nettle is also considered an age-old remedy for allergies, hay fever and
respiratory problems. It has anti-histamine properties. 

It's also an old-time women's herb that helps to regulate menses and stimulate lactation in nursing mothers. Another thing it is known for is that it's a great tonic for the hair and scalp. 

Nettles could be considered an excellent overall herbal tonic for anyone. And the beauty is from what I understand, there is no known overdose on nettles.

*That shared, it does have a diuretic affect so anyone who is on diuretics or has any medical issue related to the kidneys or liver should speak with their doctor prior to using it. 

How To Make Nettles Infusions: Recipes

If you have not yet delved into the wonderful world of nettles - I recommend giving them a try. Watch my video above to get more details and insights as to how I use it.

Then DOWNLOAD my free recipe pdf so you can start to incorporate nettles into your life too!

The basic recipe for a nettles infusion is to steep 1 cup dried nettles in 2 quarts boiling water for 1-4 hours. Strain, add more water to equal a full 2 quarts, sweeten to taste. The longer you steep it the more nutrients are drawn out, but the taste also is more grassy or earthy.

I buy my nettles through Mountain Rose Herbs or Frontier Herbs. I love my nettles tea!!!


The Power Of Nettles: Testimonial

A while back a client wrote to me and shared that nettles tea was amazing for her and it helped her psyche quite a bit. She felt more balanced and less emotional. She said; 'How does it do that?'

Another client once shared with me how she felt getting started with her Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis game plan and nettles:

I have made a huge discovery in vitamins and feeling better. I got a hair mineral analysis test done about a month ago by Lydia, a nutritional therapist in the States I found online.

She discovered my adrenals are overtaxed and recommended a few vitamins I have begun taking a few days ago. BONANZA!!! I can’t believe how much better I feel. This is better than anything I have ever done for myself (besides discovering my body doesn’t like certain foods and that my problem isn’t really allergies). I have been running on empty batteries for so long, like since college and even before, that I have forgotten what it feels like to be whole and feel the world as a nice, interesting place, now finally perceived in full dimension with history, color and warmth. This is the kind of thing you cannot adequately describe, even to yourself, and I am trying to figure out the differences I am feeling, but I KNOW this is IT.

Lydia also recommended I drink nettles tea which I have come to appreciate and drink every day, which I also noticed really made a difference after about three weeks. Even just drinking the tea made me feel more stable and solidified my outer shield, so I feel less vulnerable, things don’t get under my skin or work me up so quickly. Right after I started the tea I also started on the supplements she recommended , I took some that evening and felt completely different the next day. Brain fog gone, feeling energetic, wanting to get out and do things, wanting to do more than just get by. The world has been healed for me. And I am deeply thankful.

Does it get better than that? It's like her world was no longer gray and she could see in color again! I love that there are amazing plants that can provide so much healing power to our bodies in such a holistic way.

I hope you will give nettles a try and let me know how it goes for you once you do. Make sure to GRAB MY RECIPES RIGHT HERE!

Now I would love to hear from you! Have you tried nettles infusions yet? Faithfully? Steeped long enough, it should really make you feel good! Let me know in the comments below!

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