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Why Focusing on Health Fundamentals Is Key to Long-Term Wellness

Episode #209: Why focusing on health fundamentals is key to long-term wellness

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In this episode, I'm sharing another layer of an important reminder of why we need to get back to the fundamentals - to create lasting health and break free from the quick fix mentality that is only burying us deeper and deeper. 
I dive into what I believe are the top reasons to focus on the fundamentals of your health.
Plus, I remind you what those fundamentals are along with a resource to dive deeper if want to. 
Tune in to discover more about my point of view with some story telling on how we need to decondition our mindsets so we can get to taking consistent action that overtime builds lasting health resiliency. 

During a recent client session, where we reviewed her health history, goals, and HTMA results, her biggest takeaway was:

*"I really appreciated the gentleness of diving in and seeing what’s going on."*

Over the years, I’ve observed that, especially with functional testing, people start to realize the healthcare system isn’t serving them. Often, they’re still in a reactive state—which is totally understandable. However, the testing process can be much more in-depth than they’re used to. Many don’t realize they might not be fully ready for it, particularly when given a large protocol or list of tasks to work on.

This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, confusion, or even failure. Some may think there’s something wrong with them, and hesitate to reach out to their practitioner for help.

The truth is, this process is a major paradigm shift. It requires deconditioning and recognizing your own role in your healing journey. There’s also the need to be aware of your mental and emotional landscape. It’s incredibly helpful when a practitioner understands this and prepares you for it, setting you up for a smoother experience and better outcomes.

We all have obstacles and self-sabotage tendencies that will arise along the way. That’s just part of the journey. 

When we view ourselves through the lens of the system—a system designed to feed its own agenda—it’s easy to see how that mindset can carry over into our personal healing journeys. We may still operate with that same wiring. Transitioning to self-autonomy and becoming the leader of your own health revolution takes time.

But I want to offer this: we don’t have to hit rock bottom. Many of us do because we’ve lost trust that the right kind of help exists. It’s okay to be scared, uncertain, and yet curious about how to heal. Standing on the fence, trying to move forward, is part of the process.


Our conditioning runs deeper than we often recognize, impacting our bodies in ways we don’t always see. That’s why it’s so important to be gentle with ourselves. There’s a lot of undoing that needs to happen as we realize this and shift. And while that step is sometimes overlooked, it’s essential if we want to create a strong foundation for healing and growth.

Here’s a story that demonstrates a picture of what happens when your ignore your health foundations for a really long time

When I moved to my current residence, the house next to me was very run down and overtaken by trees/vines and you could tell whoever lived there wasn’t taking care of their property. It turns out it was an older gentlemen who also wasn’t very well and didn’t have any family or support. Shortly after I moved there he passed away. I watched the coroner wheel him out of the home. I even had a feeling he might not be alive anymore. It was a very sad situation.
The house then sat there empty and still not being taken care of for over a year until it finally went up on the market mostly as is. It sold relatively quickly to a man going through divorce who is also a contractor.

For the past 2 months I’ve had front row seats to the show of him cleaning up the property to rebuild it.
He’s had to take down many trees that were too large for the property or dying or completely covered in vines (thick vines) choking out the trees. He completely gutted the insides and bulldozed the landscape. 
It has been quite the undertaking, teams of men have had to come in and clean up and so much planning is going into the clean up so he can even begin to make the house structurally suitable to rebuild to live in.

The same is true when we ignore our health foundations :truth be told, the infrastructure of society definitely makes this very easy to do and very challenging to prioritize building health in the first place. I believe we have to go back and learn what it takes to create health so we can have a solid healthy foundation

Over the past decade, I’ve come to realize that there are 7 pillars most people need to address in order to feel truly well and see lasting improvements in their health. These fundamentals create a strong, balanced base for overall well-being.

The Fundamentals of human health:

☀️Sun / light exposure (natural & unnatural) / circadian rhythm
🌊Water : quality filtering bathing sourcing quantity +minerals
🌬️ Air - breath/ our indoor and outdoor environment
🥕 Food : quality /sourcing + more wild foods! local/in season
🚶 Movement : lymph & flow ~ preferably in nature
👩‍❤️‍👨 Connection : community, tribe, relationships, rituals & ceremony
🌿 Purpose: knowing yourself and being yourself!

*Note: 💩 Detoxification fits into all of the above  

They all go pretty deep too b/c of how our modern world has become a built environment over a natural one.

I covered this more in my episode 160 from Feb 9th 2023: The fundamentals of human health are so sexy 

Here are some of the top reasons To Focus On The Fundamentals Of Your Health

Reason #1: Because it will save you time. Every hour you invest in building a strong health foundation now can save you countless hours in the future spent managing chronic conditions, recovering from illness, or dealing with burnout.


Reason #2: Because it will save you money. Every dollar you invest in nourishing your body and supporting your well-being today will prevent costly medical bills and expensive treatments down the road, saving you thousands in the long run.

Reason #3: Because it will get you out of survival mode and constant health crises. In the long term, most health issues persist because people address the symptoms too quickly without focusing on the foundational work needed for deep healing. They’re caught in a cycle of managing flare-ups and reacting to setbacks, never fully getting ahead of their health. Once you build strong health foundations—like supporting your mineral balance, gut health, and nourishment—you'll create lasting resilience. You won’t need to overhaul your approach frequently, and you’ll have the freedom to focus on true well-being rather than putting out fires.


Reason #4: Because it will save you from following generic health advice.Without a strong foundation, people often turn to one-size-fits-all health plans or quick-fix diets that don’t address their unique needs. These approaches might offer some short-term relief, but the results never feel sustainable or aligned with who you are. Your health journey should feel tailored to you, not like you’re following someone else’s blueprint.


Reason #5: Because it will free you from needing constant health “hacks.”

Without solid health foundations, you might be able to follow a diet trend or take supplements, but you won’t be able to respond intuitively to your body’s needs at the moment. True health empowers you to make decisions without relying on quick fixes or scripted routines.


Reason #6: Because it will unleash your capacity for lasting wellness.

Without solid health foundations, how can you rebuild energy? How can you address deeper imbalances or prevent chronic issues from resurfacing? Without the basics in place, how can you fully restore your gut, maintain resilience, or find a rhythm that supports long-term vitality?


Whatever approach we use to support ourselves on our health journeys, tending to the health fundamentals is where long-term wellness is truly built.Period.

Finally ... 

If you’ve been struggling to follow health protocols, feeling overwhelmed, or unsure of what’s best for your body, this might resonate with you. Many people come to me after seeing multiple practitioners but still feel lost, especially when it comes to nutrition. 

They might have tried a few things like supplements or small changes in their diet, but without clear direction, it’s easy to feel stuck. Life’s emotional challenges, like loss or burnout, can make it even harder to focus on self-care.

What I often see is that people don’t lack the desire to get healthier—they just need a more grounded, personalized approach that feels doable. My work helps simplify nutrition and mineral balancing, giving you practical guidance that fits into your life. 

Whether it’s feeling unsure about what to eat, how to rebuild energy, or how to start caring for yourself again, you don’t have to navigate it alone. Healing is a journey, and sometimes the emotional and mental pieces need support first. But once you're ready to focus on your body’s needs, we can work together to create sustainable changes that leave you feeling more energized and excited about life again.

If this sounds like you, my approach might be the perfect next step to get you feeling balanced and on track again. You can learn more about how to work with me HERE

As always, I hope you found something helpful to take away from today’s episode - until next time -stay wild & well! 

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