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VIDEO: Wild Yeast Bakehouse interview with John Goncher


In this episode, I chat with a very generous human; John . John followed his passion and started his business; Wild Yeast Bakehouse in April of 2021. Wild Yeast Bakehouse creates slow fermented artisan breads as a way to support the local community.

WATCH the through the video player above OR on YouTube HERE

By following his passion, John has been able to serve 100 families in his local community, as well as a few local restaurants and is a vendor at the Media Farmer's Market.

Tune in to listen to a powerful conversation about John's journey to following his passion and asking the question: "what would happen if I don't take the risk and create this?"

Learn more about Wild Yeast Bakehouse HERE

Trust me, if you value and love quality locally sourced real food and bread you do not want to miss this episode! Even if you do not live in the area, you may find some inspiration to follow your own passion. As well, as motivation to source this type of bread locally to you (it's out there)! 

Finally, If you live in Pennsylvania and value health freedom - actually all freedom, please come join my tribe in Telegram HERE.

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