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How To Create 'Me Time' To Absolutely Make You Decompress

mindset personal growth Nov 09, 2018

If you’ve been feeling stressed, anxious out or having a bout of depression, you’ll want to allow yourself some time to decompress and relax.Your mental and emotional health do impact your physical health if they go unchecked. It's important to make sure you’re leaving enough room in your life for your own “me time" so you can absolutely DECOMPRESS.

If you've been reading along, in my last few posts I have shared how immense stress nearly ruined my life. So, I'm here to share more, as a FAIR warning to not let your stress go that far.

You see, when you push your body farther than it is able to go you can break the eff down. In all ways; physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually.

The GOOD NEWS is, you absolutely do not have to let it go that far or get that bad.

Remember, you get to FOCUS and SHIFT your mind when your health and life are struggling so you can reclaim your health. You get to choose and you get to DO something about it.

Rest and recuperation is a critical part of any healing journey, especially if you desire lifelong vibrant health.

Reflection is also key. No need to bury your feelings, that leads to bigger problems down the road (and cause you to need to emotionally detox). Rather, you can just be honest about how you feel. Take time to examine what you are really feeling. Especially, if you notice anger and negativity showing up frequently for you. Those take a toll on your body.

Just allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, but so you can also shift to have a more positive outlook. One that allows you to feel light and free in your body. I talk more about this in my post; 'How to release emotions so you can increase your joy!'.

As a solo parent of four boys, I've learned to create plenty of 'me time'. In part, because I know that you can't heal in the same environment that got you sick. Therefore, you have to CREATE the space and time to allow healing to transpire.

Part of what caused my health to crash was unrelenting stress, in addition to the physical demands of having babies and caring for small children. Not to mention all the household responsibilities, the laundry and feeding of 4 boys is enough to make any tired momma want to run and hide. Or cry. Ya feel me ladies.

So, first off, GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to have time alone. Recognize that you do not have to be superwoman or a one woman show and ASK FOR HELP. If you have a partner, they GET TO help you. If you don't have a partner, you get to ask others to support you, or eventually HIRE some help.

Yes, you are not only worth it but your health depends on it. In the grand scheme and long run, you want to be an empowered,well-adjusted, happy individual not a broken shell of a woman who has lost her joy and purpose in life.

Am I right? With that, below are my personal favorite ways to create 'me time' that have helped me to not only decompress, but to radically embrace my power and thrive!

My Top 10 Go-To 'ME TIME' Activities To Decompress

1. Journal

I journal daily, sometimes more than other times. It helps me get my thoughts out and process them, instead of hold them all in. It's a safe place where anything I think or feel is allowed to be shared. It's also how I process my goals, vision and write down memories or even cute things my kids said or did.

If you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. Taking time to journal is taking time for yourself.

2. Hike in Nature

This is by far my FAVORITE me-time activity.

Physical activity is an excellent way to get through stressful situations. Take advantage of getting in movement to de-stress, by getting yourself out to breathe some fresh air.

Nature therapy is the ultimate act of self-care.  Being in nature is proven to help reduce stress. It can help you heal more deeply, more quickly. When I feel the most stressed, I head straight outdoors and it puts everything into perspective.

3. Body Work To Release Tension

Either done by yourself or with a body worker of some sort.

Whether it's a self foot massage, a gentle massage with your partner or once a week with a massage therapist. Releasing that tension can go a long way to keeping your body from holding tension and pain.

A Relaxing Detox Bath is another great way to release tension in your body and decompress.

Cranio Sacral Therapy is more gentle than a deep tissue massage and enough to relax your body into a parasympathetic state so you can decompress and heal. I

4. Deep Breathing

Sometimes, all you have time for is to just BREATHE.

If your thoughts are full of worry and your mind is full of stress that will affect your body. It's important to have simple tactics in the face of unrelenting stress. The quickest way to shift is to acknowledge the stress and choose to shift. All it takes sometimes is just a couple minutes.

Agree to yourself to take a 5 minute pause to breathe and stabilize your whole body when you feel overwhelmed or any way that's out of alignment with the best version of yourself.

5. Aromatherapy

Essential oils have no doubt saved my life. I carry them with me in a small pouch in my purse or backpack wherever I go. Find scents that you LOVE. Then use them regularly for their healing impact.

A few of my favorites include: Calm for helping me manage stress and I also love this stress kit with an adrenal blend, hypothalamus support and one for circadian rhythm to help balance hormones and for sleep.

6. Take a Mental Emotional Health Day

Sometimes, you just literally need a day off. It's okay, give yourself permission and go do something you LOVE, either by yourself or with someone you love. Not to get 'tasks' done, but to allow for deep soul nourishment.

7. Connect With Your Loved Ones

Cuddle, hang out, don't have an agenda. Just go with the flow and vibe. Be present with each other. Lots of hugs don't hurt either because OXYTOCIN. If you came from a disconnected family that didn't express verbal or physical love, like I did, this is a big one for you. Find it now and let the healing of touch allow even deeper healing.

8. Have Sex (but not just a quickie)

Set aside several hours just to relax together and enjoy connecting your bodies. I highly recommend a 3 hours sex date once a week, instead of going out to dinner and a movie. Send the kids out and stay home in bed. Light candles, put on sensual music, eat a light snack and just enjoy the connection.

9. Rest, Relax & Meditate

Take a nap OR meditate. I don't tend to nap because it's hard to shut my brain down. As a single mom, I feel WAY too responsible. So I put on some meditative music (my preference is binaural beats) OR some nature sounds and lay flat and 'meditate'. I might fall asleep or just totally relax enough to decompress. Then I can be more effective and zen as I carry out my day. You don't always have to be in the ON position, sometimes you need to turn yourself OFF. Rest. The world won't fall apart if you do, but you might fall apart if you don't.

10. Read For Pleasure

This can be hard for me, I tend to read informational things. So, I like reading out loud to my kids or reading poetry. Whatever works for you to take your mind out of 'striving' or 'work' mode to just relax and enjoy what you are filing it with.

Remember: where attention goes, energy flows.

Whatever you choose make sure it helps you to relax and feel nourished, restored. Like you are giving yourself the gift of quality time or a date with yourself. This is the ultimate in self-love for the good of not only YOUR health, but the good of everyone in your life.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What are your GO-TO ways to create your own version of 'me time', so you can not only decompress, but enjoy consistent vibrant health! Let me know in the comments.

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