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How To Focus Your Mind To Reclaim Your Health & Energy

mindset personal growth Nov 06, 2018

If you want to build anything meaningful in your life, including optimal health and abundant energy, you must first have a belief you can attain it and second the dedication to see it through. Where your focus goes energy flows.

This may sound challenging to anyone, who like me, struggled with deep exhaustion and burn out, physically, mentally and emotionally. However, it's encouraging to know that when you believe you can have great health and you stay committed you will in time see the results you desire. Your own perseverance and initiative, despite your circumstances will allow you to reclaim your own health.

Listen to this blog in episode # 128 of my podcast: A Joy To Be - Find it on: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify. 

As a single mom of four, I'm here to tell you a bit of my story on how to focus your mind to reclaim your health and energy.

There have been so many times in my adult life I can remember wanting to feel good in my body. So many of those times, I felt so lost and far from feeling healthy I wasn't sure how to turn it all around. I was not truly happy, and my health suffered in so many ways. A laundry list of ailments that my physical body manifested were only the flashing warning signs telling me; 'Hey Lydia, something is TERRIBLY wrong here!'

It wasn’t until 2009, I was 35 years old that I was able to say enough is enough. After struggling most of my life with poor health, apathy, low energy , suffering in a volatile, toxic marriage, it was time for a big shift and I was TRULY ready.

In May that year, I finally told my alcoholic husband to leave, and for good this time.  This time I meant it and this time it stuck for good. It had been years coming and years trying to get to this point. The point of no return. It was time for me to release the burden of his toxicity and move on, so I could reclaim my health and free my energy.

That summer, my body showed me even more how incredibly worn down it had become. I can still remember barely scraping myself out of bed in the morning, gathering all my might just to pack all the kids up, get them  to summer camp. I’d drive through McDonald’s many mornings for breakfast, feeling incredibly depressed and even guilty I couldn’t do better. I felt tremendous shame that I could not make them a healthy breakfast. I felt terrible that I was irritable and snippy with them. I wanted to be the amazing mom I ideally painted a picture of in my head. But I was beyond exhausted; physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Not to mention, I felt incredibly alone.

I don’t know what transpired other than a deep resolve to turn things around radically,  and the day I decided to serve my ex with divorce papers, my spark came back. I needed it to fight this new battle, but I also saw it as a new beginning for me. A chance for a fresh start. And that meant in ALL ways.

My health was so poor I knew it would take some serious digging in of my heels to recover. I also wanted SO MUCH MORE for my kids. They were all struggling in so many ways and managing them while I was barely functioning was no easy feat. 
A lot was at stake if I didn’t get better.

What I learned during that time of my life, my road to recovery  was powerful to say the least, albeit the most challenging thing I ever had to do. The power was in the process and the only reason I could stick with it was because my belief and desire were so strong. I just believed I was meant to have vibrant health, energy and live fulfilled. I chose to shift my mind and my reality followed after.

Your Beliefs Impact Your Results

I learned that what you believe about what is possible for you impacts what results you experience in your life. Your beliefs influence your thoughts and experience of reality. I truly believed there had to be MORE for me. I couldn't accept that I had to suffer, both emotionally and physically. I believed my body had the potential to heal and recover and I wanted a chance to do just that.

Beliefs impact results your beliefs are influencing your experience of reality When you can truly SEE your potential it will lead you deeper into your own authentic beliefs. Out of those beliefs you will find the resolve. This resolve will become how you live, breath and act.

Even though the road ahead (at that time) was full of challenges and it took time for my health to deeply recover. I began to see incremental shifts. My outlook in life changed as I was able to make choices for myself without constantly fighting with someone else. I was able to enforce habit changes out of a firm resolve and love for myself. I acted as if I couldn't fail and my life depended on it.

When Seeking Health Ask For Help

One thing I knew was I couldn't go it fully alone. Even though I was super protective of myself and struggled with trust. I knew there were helpers, people who were also on the same mission as me. As well as guides, mentors and coaches with a more holistic mindset I could go to for help.

The key to your growth and success is to find your tribe. Be prepared to give yourself permission to not have to go it alone.  It's okay to ask for help, heck it's necessary.

When you are exhausted you'll need help. You'll need someone on the outside, of your body and mind, to be your cheerleader, guide, mentor and support system. If you are going through an exceptionally difficult time in your life it is MORE than okay to ask others around you for assistance. You will need help to find ways to learn new coping skills so that you can grow and move forward.

Coaching yourself to move in a new direction you've never been isn't always the best plan. You can't do it all so be prepared to join a community and find a mentor. Whether it's a yoga studio, a women's support group, an online group program the possibilities are endless. Find a tribe you resonate with and allow yourself to be supported.

You also deserve to be fully heard and fully supported. This is why finding a coach, mentor, therapist is so powerful. You have someone who is on your side, for YOU and holding the space for your healing journey. The value in that is far more than I can relay to you with words. Suffice it to say, I've had many coaches and mentors over the years. I am so grateful and I would not have the results I have today without each and every one of them.

Strict Rules Block Energy

Another key to focus your mind on, so you can reclaim your health and energy is strict rules versus boundaries.

You see, I grew up with strict rules born out of a rigid beliefs. A black and white mentality versus one that can see all the colors of the rainbow (if you will). And what I've learned is that strict rules block energy.

I prefer boundaries and guidelines because they allow for choice and freedom.

Your healing is best achieved when beliefs are not forced through rigid structure. That's not how nature works and it's not how we humans do either. Rather your mindset should be about liberating you and leading your deeper into your own authentic beliefs.

This will help you to discover that what works for others may not work for you. This will free you from so much frustration. A good example is when you start to embark on a diet you won't feel frustrated when it doesn't work perfectly even if you follow it perfectly.

Fad diets are damaging in that they don't teach you how to trust yourself. Rules are used to attempt to gain temporary control instead of foster deep self-trust.  Strict health rules don't help you make connections to why you feel the way you do. They don't foster your ability to get to know yourself and that can block energy in so many ways.

You can read more about my approach to reclaiming your energy, especially when it comes to choosing a healthy diet in some of my past posts:

>> How To Use A Mind-Body Journal To Become An Expert of You
>> How To Honor Your Hunger & Stop Feeling Deprived
>> How To Ditch The Perfect Diet Mentality For Good


What You Focus On Grows

Wherever your focus goes and you take action on that focus born from a firm belief you'll see results over time. If you focus on how bad you feel, you'll notice more how you don't feel what you want to feel. If you focus your thoughts on moving towards your best health, enjoy the journey, show patience and trust the process you won't experience the resistance as much as you'll see & experience the growth in your journey.

Choose to be grateful for every single baby step in the right direction. Be grateful when you see yourself better able to shift your mindset. Be grateful when you move past obstacles and your own self-sabotage. Be kind to yourself and learn to trust your body's innate wisdom along the way.

If you are ready to overcome burnout and emotional overwhelm so you can get back to fully enjoying your life and pursuing your pleasure, I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me today. We'll discuss your happiest outcome for your health and dreams right now, and if I believe I can support you in that, I'll share how.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Have you noticed when you focus on what you want for your health and life you start to manifest it into reality?

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