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How to Get In Tune with What You Need To THRIVE

mindset personal growth Nov 11, 2018

I spent most of my life NOT paying attention to my health, at least not in a proactive way. What my health (life) crisis taught me was to pay attention, sooner than later, to the warning signs my body shows me. And my friends, I'm here to help you learn how to get in tune with what your body needs to THRIVE, not just barely survive.

I had clearly over-extended myself by the time that summer rolled around where I was ready to move on with my life. I wasn't paying full attention to all the minor health concerns I had over the years that unfortunately built up and became much more intense.

In part, I ignored the warnings my body showed because too many other things stood in my way. I did not know how to create boundaries in my life for my own well being. I never learned to speak up for my needs in a healthy way. I put myself last over all the million other things life threw in my path, and my health suffered greatly for it.

I've now made it my life mission to get in tune with what I need to thrive and teach you the same. To help you not ignore the warning signs your body is showing you, so you can truly learn to manage your health despite other things life is currently throwing at you.

Personally, I lived in crisis mode for far too long and my body shut down in light of it. I made excuses for the way I felt which led me to ignore my health and well being. I know now that my body is very wise. I can and need to tune into it's incredible wisdom. 

Thankfully, I finally had the resolve to end my toxic marriage and leave an incredibly volatile situation. While that was incredibly hard to do, it was a necessary ending. It was a situation that was not good for anyone and had to end to make space for a new fresh chapter.

Perhaps you are finding yourself in an unhealthy situation or health pattern and it's time to end it. Many people see this as scary, but I now see 'endings' as a transition into something better.

I believe that whatever endings or transitions that occur in life are opportunities to emerge out of something that was not serving my highest good.  Endings allow me to embrace the next chapter and the new opportunities and possibilities available to me.

Believe me, I resisted ending my marriage but that only led to more pain, emotionally and physically. Now, I'm not saying YOU have to do something as dramatic as end a marriage. What I am saying is to recognize any area of your life that is no longer truly serving your vision or health and choose to let it go.

Visualize what could be possible for you if you freed up the energy you are using to continue in a situation or pattern that is dragging you down, instead of building you up. This will help to allow more constructive patterns to emerge in your life.

If you are struggling with your health and you truly want to shift from survival mode, to thriving mode; here are 5 key things to help you get in tune with what you need to do just that.

How To Get In Tune With What You Need To Thrive

1. Stop making excuses and believing the stories that no longer serve you.

The first thing is to just get honest with yourself. Not judge yourself, but be completely honest. Are there things you are tolerating that no longer serve you. Do you have deep desires for yourself that are not manifested in your life?  Are you making excuses to avoid the discomfort of changing those things? Have you told yourself that it's not so bad and you can tolerate it because you're too afraid of what is or is not possible.

Journaling helps as a place to start getting honest with yourself, but sometimes you need help getting out of your own way. Coaching provides a safe space for you to be heard but also be held accountable to actually move towards what you want for your life and health.

2. Be able to manage your health despite other things life is currently throwing at you.

Learn to give yourself the gift of self care. Make it radical. Your life depends on it. It's the first step to helping you start to love yourself and create powerful healthy boundaries in your life.

It's also a gift to everyone else in your life. You'll be teaching them how to treat you and how to also treat and respect themselves. I'll be honest, some people in your life won't like it, but that's not about you.

Learning radical self-care and embodying it as way of life will equip you to sustain your health when life throws you a curve ball. A death, a sick child, a job loss, a sudden move, an aging parent you suddenly have to care for and the list could go on.

3. Do not ignore any feelings your body is telling you.

If you have repeat signals from your body, such as headaches, backaches, horrible PMS every month, poor sleep, no energy most days... listen to them. Don't ignore them or placate them. You deserve more than just to a pill to put a temporary band-aid on the symptoms.

I realize this may seem hard at first. Our culture is so quick to find the fastest path to temporary relief instead of heeding the warning. The warning could be showing you a change needs to occur but if you ignore it you'll miss it.

I spent a full year taking ibuprofen practically daily to deal with the incredible pain I would get in my face from sinus infections as well as the body pain that came with it. I ignored myself, while I was pregnant no less, and suffered greatly for too long. That time of my life was me not managing my health despite life's curve balls. I learned later on what was really going on and how to get it under control without medication, but a lot of damage was already done.

It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health. Do what you can to heal your body at the deepest level when you notice a symptom or pattern show up on repeat.

4. Learn to shift from overwhelm to calm

Overwhelm can be so crippling, it's when we focus too much on the bigness of a thing and the future that we get in our own way.

When you experience overwhelm, it's important to ask yourself: What part of your situation is in your control that you CAN realistically change?

Write down ANYTHING and I mean anything that you think could be in the way between you and your desired success. It could be physical clutter, mental clutter or simply clearing your schedule to make space.  Just write it down. After that put a star next to the things that ARE in your control. Write down what you think needs to be cleared in order for you to be successful.
Even if it's only one simple thing, start there first.

Calm yourself and forget about how far you have to go or how much you have to do for a while. Take it one day and one step at a time.

Also, check out my post: 'How to increase joy by decluttering your life'.

5. Create balance & boundaries to get in tune with your body and your needs.

Find out what is productive for YOU and you only and don’t get caught up in rules or overthinking. I can tell you I spent a lot of time agonizing over what actions I could take to get results for my health. Once you go down the rabbit hole of online research, you'll find many camps of thought. It's important to only take what bits of advice really resonate with you and leave the rest.

A good example would be in trying to decide on what to eat to be healthy. Fad diets aren't helpful, they don't fix the root and never work for everyone the same. While a certain diet may be super trendy it doesn't mean it's the best fit for your needs right now. And let's be honest, the perfect diet doesn't even exist. You just need some guidelines to start and then you'll need to shift along the way anyhow.

I'd rather see more people just shift to better quality food than fret over a specific diet plan. That's just ONE step, yet an important one and one that could take quite a bit to transition to.

It's also important to enjoy the process, it can stretch you for sure, but it shouldn't entirely suck. That's why you get to figure out your own personal boundaries, even if sometimes you need help to get better at doing it.

The point: start with just one step at a time toward your vision. Or a couple small steps and realize you are on your way. Don't get in your way by overshooting or trying for some ideal or perfection. Always choose progress over perfection every time. It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.

Learning to get in tune with your unique body and trust what it's telling you is an incredible skill and gift.

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (in your health or life) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What ways have you shifted out of survival mode into a more balanced and thriving lifestyle ! Let me know in the comments.

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