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Want beautiful healthy lashes? My favorite CLEAN mascara

beauty Aug 08, 2018

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only woman alive who enjoys beautiful, healthy eyelashes. For many years of my life, mascara was the only make-up I wore (probably the baby/toddler years).

When I radically transformed my entire health and life, cleaning up my make-up became really important to me too. I found out that make-up contained a lot of unregulated toxic ingredients, ugh. I went on a search for a new mascara at the time and it was really hard to find any.

Thankfully, that's not the case anymore. I now use Beauty Counter's volumizing mascara after trying several other non-toxic mascaras and it's by far my favorite. It lasts long and doesn't clump and makes my lashes look so much fuller!

You see every day our bodies are exposed to chemicals. Through the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, we are exposed to harmful substances. We are also exposed to these via the personal care products we use.

What you put on your face should not be a disgrace to your health. Am I right? The problem is, we don’t always think about what ingredients are lurking in our cosmetics and makeup.

That's why I'm sharing why it's important to choose safer skin care products, how I made the switch and what I use now, just in case you are ready to take that step too. It's something I help my clients with as they are all on a mission to 'detox' their personal care products. 

Heavy Metals In Your MakeUp?

Other toxins lurking in our modern day makeup that gives much cause for concern are heavy metals. A fellow nutritional therapist, who also practices using HTMA, shared this information about mercury in cosmetics. Mascara happens to be one of the ones where thimerosal (a form of mercury) is used.

“Thimerosal is a preservative and anti-microbial that is 50% ethylmercury. It’s a potent neurotoxin and epigenetic toxicant and has a cumulative effect when absorbed.”

Did you know that as long as it’s under 65 ppm, and if it is classified as an “inactive ingredient,” the FDA allows it in cosmetics, eye drops, ear drops, and other OTC and RX products for children and adults? Good grief.

Mascara is one of the most common products using thimerosal, partly because the Minamata Global Treaty of 2013 banned it from a number of other products but concluded that for mascara there were not sufficient alternative options to protect consumers from infection and extend product shelf life (!) Please note that the FDA allows cosmetic companies not to list ingredients that makeup less than 1% of a product, so more mascaras than are currently acknowledging thimerosal use may be using it at or under the allowed 65 ppm.

“The Environmental Working Group’s fabulous Skin Deep database includes the brands listing thimerosal as an ingredient, but if you use mascara, you want to be sure you actively check with the manufacturer to make sure they are not using ethylmercury in any form in the product you purchase. ” Sara Russell, NTP

Here are a couple more articles on heavy metals in your makeup:

If you are trying to improve or maintain your health ditching the scary ingredient cosmetics is another step you can take. The good news is we have more options popping up, more awareness. You can shop for safer skincare through my Beauty Counter store right here too.

Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or email me: [email protected]

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