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PODCAST: Are your kids in burnout too?

In this episode, I shared about kids in burnout so more mommas can be better equipped. Even if you are a mom in burnout with kids in burnout, you can set a good example for your kiddos and help them recover too. I shared my story, some signs of burnout, why it's more common than we care to admit and what you can do about it. 

Listen to Episode #48: Are Your Kids In Burnout Too? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Over the years of working with other moms to help their kiddos I've seen a growing trend of burnout through hair tissue mineral analysis. To me this is no longer 'shocking' news. It's where we are at collectively in light of multiple factors. Understanding the big picture of what we are up against when it comes to our health and well being is so important. 

Once we understand this we can start to take action. Work to remove the roadblocks (poor nutrition, toxins, clean up our water, stress...) and include more of the building blocks (nutrient dense diet, quality water + minerals, nature, sun, nurturing environment, appropriate movement and more). 

This is another reason I love using HTMA, to help see kids imbalances. We often just assume that kids are or should be 'perfectly healthy' but we don't realize the degenerating impacts we are dealing with. The good news is, once you see where a kiddo is at, you can more fully support them to recover and rebuild vibrant health. 

I help mom's to support their kiddos in burnout, I have a mineral advantage that connects everything together for a whole systems approach to deeper recovery. 

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE.

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to learn more about minerals and how to integrate HTMA into your holistic health practice - you can learn more about my program: The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart right HERE.

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