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Health & Wellness Wishes for the New Year

Tomorrow is a brand new year.

A brand new year many of us are hoping brings radical change in light of the year we’ve just had.  It feels like a good moment to truly think about your health and well being. If 2020 highlighted anything, it's both. 

Symbolically, the New Year is about a fresh start. A clean slate. A blank canvas. A second chance.

I think we all want second chances with something in our lives. As we look back over this past year, there are probably so many things we might wish we could have done differently. Things we were unprepared for, that now with hindsight we wished we had taken more seriously. Things we got totally wrong and could not fix.

Maybe a big health scare, a financial crisis, a loss or heartbreak. Perhaps some are grappling with what is their purpose in life.

And to make it all worse, we may even be feeling guilt or shame about the way things went down in our lives this past year. 

We may see our part and wish we could have done it differently.

In reflection, the worst case is we’ve been disappointed by the way things went down in 2020. 

However, as we wind down the year and reflect we can also see all the silver linings and let that fuel hope from within ourselves. Hope that propels us into a path forward and to not giving up on moving towards what we truly want for our health and life.

In the final hours of 2020, we can create the space to reflect without judgement knowing that we are all just doing the best we can. Stumbling towards grace, knowing that there is always more love, more expansion and time to BE who we are. We are given the go ahead and permission to be messy and imperfectly human.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve fallen and got back up, screwed up and thought I was a failure. However, I've also realized that’s how we learn and we are all just learning and growing from our missteps, right? There’s always hope to try again and do it better.

This is the truth for me and for us all. We can learn to be at peace with our own evolution when we realize we are allowed to do life the ‘messy way’ - imperfectly perfect. Get out of our own way, and just be on our, even if it's 2 steps forward, 6 steps sideways, 10 steps back, 1 leap ahead again. 

If you are scared, ashamed and without hope : you aren’t the only one. There is always hope to turn things around in our lives. We all get second, third and even fourth chances (whether we think we deserve them or not).

At this time of year, we are all feeling ready for change, for some sense of reclamation in the New year. Maybe our health isn’t what we want, we want more energy to live more fully in 2021 or more joy to get through another possibly tough year?

My wish for everyone is that you get every opportunity in 2021 to move towards what you want for your health and well being. That you see the opportunities and embrace them more readily. That you choose YOU and create new habits that bring you favorable outcomes. So whatever feels like it was ‘broken’ this year, that you do have the ability to shift, can be made new and maybe even better.

While there is a lot we could not control this year, honestly there is always a lot we can’t control any year, we have a lot of choice over how we support our own health. So we CAN live more fully in new creative ways. 

There is so much we can do, even if we feel life’s restrictions in other ways. We are both resilient and adaptable. I  believe 2020 proved our resilience, let’s let 2021 show us how creatively adaptable we are. So we can enjoy life regardless, come what may! 

Here’s to expanding into your best health by choice and consistent actions -we can do this, we will be ok!


Ready to increase your energy by balancing your body's minerals? This mini program is for anyone who wants to take their health to the next level. If your health is not where you want it to be after having cleaned up your diet, detoxed your personal care products implemented an exercise routine, hand normal test results with your docter but still don't 'feel' normal -it's time to remineralize. *Join the program at the early bird price before it goes up and start today! 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Client Program

Get started with your mineral balancing journey by becoming a 1:1 client. You'll get your very own HTMA session and game plan from me. PLUS access to my online program over the course of 12 weeks to fully support and assist you as you implement your protocol. *I have 2 spots available for new clients in January. *Payment plan now available. 

The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart

Learn how to read, interpret and integrate hair tissue mineral analysis into your holistic health practice. This program is my blueprint to help you get started with HTMA, to create bioindivideal client protocols and set up your practice efficiently to on board new clients into your new offer. 
*Join today and on demand the program at your own pace. Payment plan available. 
*Next live group starts January 2021


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