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Could you be hypoglycemic without knowing it?

Every hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) I review I see some sort of blood sugar imbalance, usually hypoglycemia, and the person doesn't even realize it's occuring. 

Listen to this blog post on the podcast: Find A Joy To Be Me: Episode #92 on Buzzsprout >HERE< also on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify. 

Basically hypoglycemia is an early stage of diabetes but it’s often ignored in the medical world and so it can progress before you even realize it into diabetes.

Remineralizing in the body helps with our ability to improve glucose metabolism at a very deep level this also gives a level of food diversity back to the person so a high protein or restrictive low carb diet is not necessary. 

Restoring glucose and carbohydrate metabolism is really about restoring the bodies energy system. It’s kind of like if the fuel system in the car wasn’t working right you wouldn’t get enough power to run the car. The same is true in the human body.

Restoring the bodies overall energy system helps because energy is needed for all body functions ranging from your immune system to your glandular and digestive systems. Energy is needed for all the activities you do including thinking and moving your body. So when your energy system improves every aspect of life improves as well.

Hypoglycemia is known as low glucose in the blood but more comprehensively it’s actually low energy production at the cellular level because the glucose has to reach the cells and be utilize well by the cells. 

There are diets that are widely recommend for individuals with hypoglycemia, usually they are high in protein. While they could work to alleviate symptoms in some who suffer with hypoglycemia, in others it could make symptoms worse and even contribute to anxiety. This may seem confusing but it can be explained through understanding the different metabolic types via HTMA. 

There are two main metabolic types, fast and slow and hypoglycemia can occur in both. While the symptoms could be the same for each type, the underlying biochemical mechanisms are totally different. A different approach will be needed for each. This is why broadly recommended diets never truly work for everyone. Support based on symptoms only is not wise because it does not address the individual's current biochemistry (essentially it's playing a guessing game). 

According to Trace Elements lab (the lab I work with via HTMA) there are two types of hypoglycemia. Type 1 and 2. Type 1 is found in slow metabolic types (the most common oxidative type in women and adrenal burnout).  Type 2 is commonly found in the fast metabolic types (aka: stress cadets in more of an alarm stage of body chemistry not quite in total burnout but still deeply tired underneath a more amped state). 

Hypoglycemia in the slow oxidizer 

According to Dr. Watts of TEI - In the slow oxidizer, usually there is a reduction in serum glucose produced by the suppression of glucose by insulin. Any factor that produces a sharp increase in blood sugar will trigger an insulin response.

In the case of the slow metabolizer, the glucose rise can be initiated by the consumption of refined sugars and juices. As the insulin release increases to compensate for the large glucose load, the blood level is then reduced. If this condition becomes chronic, the insulin stimulation may become exaggerated or overcompensate, resulting in a sharp decline in glucose below normal.

Sensitivity to high glycemic index foods, including fats from dairy products such as milk and cheeses, will eventually develop. The fact that dairy products can contribute to hypoglycemia is not widely recognized. However in individuals with a slow metabolic rate, glucogenesis is low and is further suppressed by fats. So the ever trending keto diet is not a good fit for the slow oxidizer. 

Insulin will also increase the excretion of key minerals from the body, such as magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese. Mineral deficiencies results in a decrease in insulin sensitivity along with a further increase in insulin stimulation or release. This of course will eventually lead to adult onset diabetes if the person does not restore mineral balance.

However, before this occurs a cellular hypoglycemia can develop in which glucose may not cross into the cells in adequate amounts even though blood levels are normal or high, due to the decrease in insulin sensitivity. Cellular hypoglycemia can be present even if the serum glucose is elevated above normal with accompanying hypoglycemic symptoms.

It is essential for people with Type I hypoglycemia to maintain a high protein diet lower in healthy fats and refined sugar, but with good health carbs (like green veggies and root veggies). Increasing the metabolic rate and balance can control, and eventually eliminate, the hypoglycemic syndrome. 

Hypoglycemia in the fast oxidizer 

The second type of hypoglycemia is commonly found in the fast metabolic types. Generally speaking the fast metabolizer maintains a high normal or above normal blood glucose level. The hypoglycemic symptoms are associated with a precipitous drop in glucose but not always below normal levels.

As an example the fast metabolic type can have a higher glucose reading that could then can drop to normal (70 or 80 mg/DL.) in a short time. Even though this level is within normal, the huge drop can bring on symptoms of hypoglycemia.

The fast metabolizer has higher endocrine activity (think thyroid & adrenals) that contributes to an increase in gluconeogenesis, raising blood sugar production. Insulin secretion may not be produced in large enough quantities to compensate for the amount of glucose produced; therefore, the blood glucose may not drop below normal.

Many factors can contribute to an increase in an already fast metabolic rate. The metabolic rate and glucose production are enhanced by the intake of low fat, high protein, or high carbohydrate diet in the fast metabolizer, and therefore can contribute to this type of  hypoglycemia. This will of course also eventually lead to diabetes if it goes on too long unchecked. 

In order to control this type of hypoglycemia, the diet should be adjusted to include adequate amounts of fats relative to protein and carbohydrates. Exclusive high protein diets will exacerbate this type of hypoglycemia, due to their accelerating effect on the metabolic rate. Fats reduce the excessive metabolic rate and provide energy that can be utilized more slowly over long periods. This also helps to control the blood sugar level due to a more even release of glucose from the liver resulting in a lessening of the large swings in blood sugar.

I shared my story of hypoglycemia in a past blog post and podcast episode here. The thing to know is that a plethora of symptoms are associated with hypoglycemia and different people can experience all, some or very few. 

Hypoglycemic symptoms include: 

Most symptoms of hypoglycemia involve the central nervous system. The brain is completely dependent upon circulating glucose as a fuel. It has no way to store glucose, as do the muscles.

Cellular energy starvation produces symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, confusion, tremors, irritability, fainting, headache, hunger and even psychosis or violence. Generalized fatigue and malaise may also occur. Excessive emotions also play a role in hypoglycemia.

When I was dealing with my extreme reactive hypoglycemia, I did not even know that's what it was for many months. I had to eat around the clock practically to stave off feeling wonky. I had vision problems, dizziness, weakness, irritability, volatile emotions. I almost passed out numerous times. It took me months to figure out the right support and 6 months to calm it down, and closer to a year to fully resolve it. 

Once I finally started doing my own HTMA, I realized what was going on in my biochemistry and knew better how to target my macro nutrients and supplemental support so I never swung back into that hypoglycemic state again. 

Over the years, I've been able to help countless individuals recover from hypoglycemia by knowing their metabolic type through HTMA as well as what mineral imbalances were present to target. 

If you need support overcoming hypoglycemia, I have 2 ways to support you below. One is a DIY option and the other is targeted 1:1 support. If this blog post was helpful for you, please share in the comments below or feel free to ask any questions there too.




Ready to increase your energy (and correct blood sugar imbalances like hypoglycemia) by balancing your body's minerals? This mini program is for anyone who wants to take their health to the next level. If your health is not where you want it to be after having cleaned up your diet, detoxed your personal care products implemented an exercise routine, hand normal test results with your docter but still don't 'feel' normal -it's time to remineralize. *Join the program and start today! 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Client Program

Get started with your mineral balancing journey by becoming a 1:1 client. You'll get your very own HTMA session and game plan from me. PLUS access to my online program over the course of 12 weeks to fully support and assist you as you implement your protocol.  *Payment plan now available. 


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