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PODCAST: Safe Summer Sun Sessions

In this episode, I chat about how to prepare your skin to build your solar callous and stay safe in the sun. It's more about what you do before hand. This is an important part of life we can all improve and it will be important for the rest of our living days. I've got lots of tips so you can create a year round plan to enjoy the sun and stay safe out there! 

Listen to Episode #67: Safe Summer Sun Sessions : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Unfortunately we have created a fear of the sun in our culture. Not only that but we've created a bad habit of slathering ourselves with toxic sunscreen. Yet, we cannot thrive without the sun on our skin for various health benefits. 

Really understanding safe sun exposure is about understanding how light interacts with our body and our cells. 

We want to figure out how to do this as much as possible in micro doses so that we become more tolerant to sun exposure while also doing the least amount of damage. You've gotta. know your location, the elevation of the sun, your skin type. 

 If you need support on your healing journey and align with my work - learn more about becoming a 1:1 client HERE


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