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When you have energy, being yourself comes naturally.

*Listen to the podcast episode here.

When you have energy, being yourself comes naturally. You don't have to try.  When you choose to be yourself, energy comes naturally.

What is possible for you in your life and health when you know how well your body is intended to function? I've been hearing a lot from women who are wanting more for themselves but can't quite figure out what that is.

In this podcast episode, I'm making connections for you as to what is possible when your body has robust energy production and reserves.

One of the first things I learned when I first got started with mineral balancing and HTMA was through Dr. Eck. One of the, 'founding fathers' of mineral balancing and HTMA. It was his amazing stories that inspired me.

We can ALL be spontaneous and fun to be with. We can ALL have great human relations. And we can ALL have ecstatic and fulfilling sexual lives. But first, let's get fear out of our lives. And let's do it by increasing our energy levels so that we are no longer afraid to BE OURSELVES.

Keep in mind, energy can also be a choice. You can choose to continue to have a collapsed, murky, fallen energy. Or recognize it and choose to have an empowered energy by owning your YES. Yes to what you want in life. Yes to what lights you up and turns you on. No to anything that feels like a drain to you. Owning your yes and your no will give you back so much energy.

For now, go listen to the podcast episode. I'll probably share more about this in a future podcast, so stay tuned.

If you want to stay where you are in life, then you'll stay where you are. Work with me and your whole life will change.  Sign up for your breakthrough session with me today. This session is an incredibly powerful life changing time. I'll empower you to breakthrough your own limitations and get back to living your dream life.

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