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Facing the Shadows: Deconditioning Fear on Your Mineral Balancing Journey

Episode #210: Facing the Shadows: Deconditioning Fear on Your Mineral Balancing Journey

Listen on iTunes HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE. 

In this episode, I'm sharing my point of view on a big root of our collective healing journey's that is a sign post to look at when we feel frustrated or stuck in a particular health pattern. 
I dive into thoughts on how large systems have created conditioned fear responses that are not our own and why this matters as we heal. 
Plus, I chat about chronic fear and it's role so we can shine a spotlight on this as we navigate our path whether through mineral balancing or other healing modalities on our individual healing journey's. 
Tune in to this deeper dive that affects us all especially in these times

*Just FYI, there was a little feedback in few spots in this episode . . .

Links that were mentioned in the episode if you want to dig further: 

  • Rewild your feet: lessons from injury and the journey to holistic health HERE
  • Reviving our resilience: unmasking the silent pandemic of adrenal exhaustion HERE

Become a functional nutrition client: 

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis - HERE
  • Minerals & Microbes [HTMA & BIOME FX ]  HERE
  • Mind Body Coaching [ w/ HTMA & BIOMEFX ] HERE

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