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How to declutter like a mofo and free up ENERGY

When someone finds themselves in burnout, the last thing they have the bandwidth for is reorganizing their entire life. However, it's the decluttering that clears space and frees up energy. Digging out of burnout may seem like a monumental task, but you know what they say; "how do you eat an elephant?"

Listen to Episode #42: How to declutter like a mojo and free up energy : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

One bite at a time is a great way to view decluttering. If we don't CHOOSE to create space we will only continue to weigh ourselves down stress. In my podcast episode, I talk more about decluttering and why January is a great month to do this. If you are heading into a new year already feeling burned out, this is your first step to set you up so you can climb out and stay out. 

One of the fastest ways out of stress, and to help keep it away, is to declutter your environment. Clutter causes anxiety and stress in many different ways. It also doesn’t help with depression, a common side effect of burnout. The truth is that decluttering your life, starting with your home environment has incredible psychological benefits. Feng Shui baby. When you incorporate a decluttered practice or even Feng Shui principles into to your home it helps you feel in control of your environment, another powerful antidote to stress.

If you find yourself in overwhelm, with no energy and high anxiety, I highly encourage you to listen to this podcast episode or head over and read my past posts on decluttering. Then commit to taking action. Start small and once you feel the immediate gratification, you'll be surprised to find energy to keep at it. 

Read more hereHow to clear clutter and transform your life and here; How to increase joy by decluttering your life .

The more you free up space in your life, the more space you have for the things that you truly want. Time to let go of all that's weighing you down. It's an iterative process  and takes time but is so worth it. The art of decluttering and creating space is actually just a habit we all could learn to support our health and well being. 

Now, I would love to hear from you... did this podcast episode support you ? Share in the comments below…

Ready to get out of the burnout cycle once and for all?

Book a Breakthrough Session with me and I'll show you how I can help you start healing your body, gain energy, clarity, mental calm and feel good in your own skin so you can experience more freedom, flexibility, and energy in your life - no more crashing and burning! HERE



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