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How To Stop Wasting Your Energy On The Wrong Things

mindset personal growth Nov 10, 2018

Let's be honest with each other for a minute. I'll go first, I've wasted a lot of my energy focused on the wrong things. Things that did not help me reclaim my health, things that did not serve my highest good in life. One of the biggest reasons my health tanked was that I did not know how to spend my precious little energy wisely.

I don't know about you, but I came to adulthood without much vision for what I wanted in life. And in retrospect, it was hard for me to see progress in life because I had no clue what I really wanted. In part, I didn't have the self-confidence or self-worth to believe in myself and trust my intuition.

And as my health & life crashed down, in the summer of 2009, I learned a lot of valuable lessons I want to share with you. I learned that physical energy is a result of your beliefs and thoughts too. Your health is influenced not only by your physical body but the spiritual, mental, and emotional part of you too. 

Your health is dependent on all these facets, as opposed to just one of the four. Building onto this concept, your overall health is also influenced by a trickle-down effect: your physical body is affected by your emotions, your thoughts direct how you feel, and your energy level sways your mind and your thoughts.

Somewhere along the way, I got off track. Or perhaps, I never got on the track I was intended to be on myself. After all, I grew up in a set of belief systems (cultural/spiritual) that as I questioned them I could not accept them as my truth. The more I began to see things from my own inner guidance versus what I was enforced to 'believe', everything changed for me.

I had to give myself permission to see life how I needed to see it and then make choices that best served me. This helped me to stop giving my energy to things and people that only drained the life out of me. It even helped me shift from the wasted energy of minor daily hassles that would throw me completely off course.

The truth is, there are a lot of things you could do but not of all them are the right things for you. In order to know what action to take so you can transform or reclaim your health (and quite frankly, your LIFE) you have to know who you are and what you want FIRST.

Dial Into Your Vision

What do you want for your health & life? This is what was asked of me during my first transformation coaching session and I struggled to answer it with ease. A lot of people I ask that to now, also struggle to answer it with the utmost confidence.

So, if you don't know what you do want it's okay to start with what you don't want and go from there. That's where I started. I knew I didn't want to feel like I had to settle for a life that didn't bring me joy. I knew I wasn't supposed to be in a marriage that not only drained the life out of me but was not mutually beneficial or supportive. I knew I didn't want to get up every day only to barely drag through each day. I learned I wanted to thrive not just survive, but I was afraid to admit I wanted that for fear it wasn't possible. Once I dialed in my vision I was able start to take actions that moved me towards what I wanted.

I began to find my center. Re-claim my power. And learned that I had to laser in on my vision not just once, but over and over. To re-articulate it and fine tune it. I also had to trust that in time I would move forward more productively and GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION to have what I wanted. I had to focus on what I COULD do instead of what I could not do. That shift in mindset alone gave me more energy than all the coffee, supplements and real food in the world.

Once you have your vision and know what you truly want, you'll be better equipped to take action to move towards it. You'll focus on what you can do, instead of what you can't do because you know where you want to head.

Give Yourself Permission To Have What You Want

What got you here, won't get you there. Meaning, you can't heal in the same environment or lifestyle that got you sick.

I can still remember that summer back in 2009, I had been focusing on my lack, on everything that was wrong, and one day it just hit me. I could make decisions now that I couldn't before without a HUGE fight or drain on my energy. It was shortly after driving through McDonald's one too many days feeling guilty that I decided to take back my power.

I went through all our cupboards, fridge, bathroom supplies, personal care products and got rid of anything that did not benefit our health. I restocked our pantries and home with only nourishing real foods, non-toxic household and personal care products. While it was a big sweeping change all at once, it had been a long time coming. I could not believe the incredible relief, joy and energy that act gave me.

It was the start of me learning to let go of what no longer served me. Detoxing my whole life.

After that, I was liberated to take another step in the right direction even though I could not get answers from the medical system as to why my health was in such bad shape. I had gone to doctor after doctor getting no real answers for all my health woes. If you recall, at that time they were exhaustion, extreme aches and pains (much like that of fibromyalgia), extreme reactive hypoglycemia, resulting in episodes that almost caused me to black out. Severe bloating and intestinal pain that people thought I was pregnant when I wasn't. Horrific allergies, asthma, numerous skin issues, hair falling out, mittleschmerz and so much more.
Not to mention the mental, emotional turmoil I suffered.

My body was revolting. The old ways I had been trying to do things weren't working. Including going the medical route. I realized I could not heal my body in the same environment it got sick in. It was time for a new approach. What got me to this point would not get me where I wanted to go.

I turned to holistic approaches and started down the path of deeper research. I was now uninhibited and anything I learned I could decide to act upon if I chose. You see, I used to get yelled at for spending even so much as a dollar on something as simple as a closet hanger.
My new found freedom and resolve allowed me to act freely on whatever I was learning to help heal my body.

At that time, even the simplest changes made such a big difference for me. Transitioning to real whole foods from processed foods. Getting started taking magnesium to help replace what was lost due to stress to help my body relax. Choosing to move my body, gently at first through simple workouts at home while the kids napped. Reading health books from the library. Teaching myself to nose breath at night instead of mouth breath so I could sleep better. All those steps started to build a foundation to re-harness my vitality!

Progress Over Perfection

While it was difficult to get all the answers to fully bring my health back into balance. I didn't give up. I knew that a better life was waiting for me. I knew there was so much more for me and I had a lot riding on my health getting better. Not to mention, four little boys were relying on me.

I dug in my heels and kept going in spite of the many obstacles that arrived in my path. Not to mention, my own mindset sabotaging my actions. I had a lot to re-learn to embody the ways of a truly vibrant woman. I invested in myself wherever and whenever I could, but I also gave myself the gift of time. Time to rest, time to learn, time to cook nutritious food, time to sleep fully at night. I also sought help when I needed it. Truth be told, simple steps were what made the biggest long term difference for me.

I developed a one day at a time mantra, because not every day was easy and some days I struggled more than others. Sometimes I'd make so much progress, feel great only to hit plateau's and feel like nothing was helping again anymore. It took more layers and more baby steps to get me to give up gluten, to rest even more, to ask for more help, to let more things go. In time, as I kept reminding myself of my vision I kept seeing steady progress with a resolve to focus only on what served my purpose.

Remember: Dwelling on the wrong things only gives away your power.

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me today. We'll get on the phone and discuss your happiest outcome for your health and dreams right now, and if I believe I can support you in that, I'll share how.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Are you ready to stop wasting your energy on the wrong things? What is one baby step you can take this week to help you gain energy from moving towards what you do want in life? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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