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Spring Clean Your Health: Transitioning from Winter to Spring

Spring Clean Your Health: Transitioning from Winter to Spring

As we stand just two weeks away from the official start of spring, I find myself in the midst of a familiar dance – transitioning away from winter habits and embracing the freshness of the upcoming season. This shift isn't just about changing our wardrobes; it's a full-body recalibration that affects how we eat, move, and feel.

Every time we enter a new season, our bodies need time to adjust. Spring, in particular, offers a beautiful opportunity to shed the heaviness of winter and embrace lighter, cleansing foods. It's nature's way of hitting the reset button, and I'm here to guide you through this transition.

In my household, we're in the thick of this winter-to-spring dance. On cold, rainy days (like today on the East Coast), we still crave those warming winter foods. But there's also an undeniable pull towards freshness – those vibrant greens bursting from the earth are calling to us, promising renewal and vitality.

Transitioning between seasons can be challenging, especially if you've created any excesses during winter that need addressing. That's why I always keep seasonal tonics on hand. As we move into spring, I'm shifting from dense, animal-based broths to more veggie-rich options with wild elements.

Let me share a little secret from my kitchen: my spring broth. It's not so much a recipe as it is an intuitive, medicinal concoction. I use veggie scraps like potato peels, carrot tops, mushroom stems, and leek ends that I save up enough of in the freezer for a gallon of broth. Then I add wild greens such as nettles I harvested last season. Dried roots like burdock join the mix to support liver health and the microbiome. A handful of dried turkey tail mushrooms adds powerful immune support. The result? A nutritive, cleansing broth that nourishes your body and feeds your microbes.

Speaking of liver health, spring is the perfect time to focus on our liver and gallbladder. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the liver, and for good reason. After a winter of heavier foods, our livers could use some TLC. Too many rich foods can lead to liver stagnation, often manifesting as that spring "crud" many of us experience.

Naturally, our bodies tend to crave less food in spring, almost as if we're designed to do a bit of fasting and cleansing. This isn't about drastic detoxes or rigid diets – it's about listening to your body and honoring its natural rhythms in light of the season you are entering in -this is yet another way we can rewild our wellness. 

As we transition from Pisces ( mutable, transitional energy ) to Aries (cardinal, initiating energy), we are cosmically supported in our efforts to start anew. This is the perfect time to clear out the old and make space for fresh beginnings so you can take off with renewed vigor to create new potential in your life. 

Remember, staying healthy through spring means more than just changing your diet. It's about holistic balance – incorporating appropriate movement practices , practicing self-awareness, and finding ways to express yourself creatively. Spring is the season of beginnings and creation, so let your inner artist shine!

Mark your calendars for March 20th – the Spring Equinox. This is nature's New Year, a time when day and night are perfectly balanced. Use this energy to set intentions for your health and life. What do you want to clear out? What new habits or experiences do you want to cultivate?

As you navigate this transition, pay attention to how you eat. Take time to relax before meals, breathe deeply, and really savor your food. Focus on whole, seasonal foods – nature provides exactly what we need at the right time.

If you're someone who frequently battles colds, allergies, or digestive issues, spring might be the perfect time for a gentle short elimination diet. Keep a journal to track how different foods make you feel. This is also an excellent time to explore various forms of bodywork – find what resonates with you, whether it's acupressure, shiatsu, or massage.

Transitioning between seasons is a journey, and everyone's path looks a little different. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to start, I'm here to help. I'm offering one-on-one health sessions to provide personalized guidance on your spring health transition. Think of it as a spring clean-up for your wellbeing, complete with tailored advice on what to implement for your unique needs.

Remember, the key to a successful seasonal transition is listening to your body, honoring nature's rhythms, and being gentle with yourself.

Ways I'm Getting Ready for Spring

As I prepare for this transition, I'm taking several concrete steps to align my life with the coming season:

1. Spring Cleaning: I'm not just clearing out my closets – I'm decluttering my whole life, making space for new energy and fresh starts. 

2. Pantry Transition: I'm using up the last of my winter roots and starches, making room for the lighter, fresher foods of spring. I'm putting my sourdough starter in the fridge as I will slow down using it. I'll be reviving my water kefir grains so they start to flourish again for the water months. As well as making my bone broth with wild foods from my pantry and chicken feet instead of meaty hearty beef bones. I'm finishing up my winter tinctures to replace them with spring tinctures. 

3. Health Check-In: It's time for my next hair analysis retest. I always do a retest at the start of each new season to get a clear picture of my health status and what I need to focus on in terms of support. 

4. Body Work Support & Movement: I'm scheduling regular massages and exploring new modalities like occupational therapy to support my vestibular system. I am also working with a couple of teachers of different movement modalities to help me craft a plan to focus on strengthening and restructuring my body. 

5. Vision & Biz Planning: Spring is the perfect time to reassess and plan. I'm mapping out my business goals and strategies for the coming months - I have a lot of amazing things I plan to create. I also like to get a general sense of projects or ceremonies I might hold around the moons or social events or trips. 

Past Spring Episodes to Help You Prepare

If you're looking for more in-depth information on spring health, check out these past podcast episodes:

Spring Health Reset

If you're feeling inspired to make the most of this seasonal transition but aren't sure where to start, I'm here to help. I'm offering initial health sessions to guide you through your personal spring health reset. We'll discuss your unique needs, create a tailored plan, and set you up for a vibrant, energized spring.

Book your session and/or learn more here. 

Remember, spring is all about new beginnings. Let's make this your healthiest season yet!

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