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Sustainable health: a dynamic way to BE!

Your life force energy and vigor is what gives you a dynamic life. This force in essence is YOU!

You are a whole person - your whole system works together there is no dividing yourself up and treating different parts if you want to enjoy true health and be fully YOU!

Your system includes your bodies electricity, your mineral system balance, your voltage, dynamism, if you’re happy in your soul and how you carry your body in this world.

Minerals are a huge part of your voltage system and how you increase your voltage -then the power comes on and everything begins to work. Your body, mind, emotions - all of what makes you YOU. No more trying to find yourself or your purpose or go down 8000 different rabbit holes trying to slap a bunch of health hacks on for size that never stick.

When you get your SPARK back, you get YOU back as long as you keep that spark ignited and sustained. This is how you tune into YOUR power.

You see, being truly healthy is not just the absence of dis-ease. It is a dynamic state of balance and integration of body, mind and spirit.

What is my voltage system you ask?

Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Your cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for your nervous system to send signals throug your entire body and to your brain, making it possible for you to move, think and feel.

So, how do cells control electrical currents?

The elements in your body, like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, have a specific electrical charge. Almost all of your cells can use these charged elements, called ions, to generate your bodies electricity.

Mineral Balancing (with HTMA) is not about fighting disease, rather, it’s about restoring harmonious conditions in your body.  Creating and finding homeostasis. When you create the right environment for yourself, disease is not tolerated and guess what - you actually thrive and fully enjoy life.

Disease cannot function in a properly functioning body - a harmonious system one that does not have it’s homeostatic state compromised.

Maybe you find yourself  saying; ‘I’ve  tried everything’

When you are missing minerals your whole energy system suffers and shows up in a slowed down metabolismā£. Metabolism isn't just something you are born with and never changes.
ā£It DOES change because your body is responding to working with less of a spark and ignition when your minerals are missing.
Your metabolism runs smooth as can be when your 2 main energy glands are optimized and you have enough mineral reserve to more than run your processes but also to deal with the myriad of toxins you are exposed to in this world. ā£
You think you've tried everything, but nope, you haven't -that's just your exhausted metabolism talking sisterā£

A piece-meal or hack your health back together approach won’t sustain your health. You must look at your whole self. This is what I do with my clients in my HTMA program and mind-body coaching.

You can now book a session where I can take a look at you as a whole person and help you create a plan to focus on. Not symptom based, allopathic approach - an approach that takes your whole life and whole body into consideration. If you’re just done with piece-mealing your health together and still bottoming out - book your session and I’ll show you a new way to approach you bringing your power back! 

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE.

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to learn more about minerals and how to integrate HTMA into your holistic health practice - you can learn more about my program: The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart right HERE.



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