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Wild Mushroom Hunting: Turkey Tail & Mineralized Broth


Episode #190: Wild Mushroom Hunting: Turkey Tail & Mineralized Broth

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In this episode, I explore a nourishing journey into the world of wild mushroom hunting, specifically focusing on the wonderful turkey tail mushroom and its role in creating a mineral-rich broth. This approach not only supports our physical health but also encourages a deeper connection with nature.

The Need for Sustainable Energy

In our fast-paced lives, many of us find ourselves running on fumes. The constant demands can leave us feeling depleted, over-relying on our sympathetic nervous system and exhausting our mineral reserves. The solution? A slow and steady boost of energy that nourishes us deeply rather than a quick fix.

To combat this, I’ve prioritized creating “white space” in my schedule, allowing myself the freedom to forage and enjoy the serenity of nature. This past summer brought abundant rain, leading to a delightful array of fall mushrooms, with the turkey tail mushroom being particularly plentiful.

Discovering Turkey Tail

My journey with turkey tail began last fall when I first discovered this beautiful fungus in the wild. Its presence felt like a generous gift from nature, and I eagerly collected it for use in a mineral-rich immune broth. I also added wild greens and burdock root for an extra nutrient boost.

Incorporating minerals into my daily routine is crucial for me. I infuse everything from broths to herbal infusions with mineral-rich ingredients. This practice ensures that I’m not only nourishing my body but also sustaining my energy levels throughout the day.

The Benefits of Broth

When it comes to broths, I love using seasonal vegetables to capture the nutrients nature has to offer. Whether it’s bone broth, potassium vegetable broth, or mushroom broth, each variety provides essential minerals that enhance the health benefits of my meals. Especially on days when I’m not up for a hearty meal, sipping on a nourishing broth keeps me energized and satisfied.

It's worth noting that not all bone broth is created equal; many do not contain the high mineral content we’ve been led to believe. I recently shared insights about this on Instagram, which you can find linked in the show notes.

A Deeper Dive into Mushrooms

As I continue my rewilding journey, I've become fascinated with foraging various wild mushrooms. In addition to turkey tail, I've encountered others like resinous polypore, lion’s mane, and chicken of the woods. Each offers unique nutritional benefits.

Mushrooms are not only rich in B-complex vitamins and minerals, but they also provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Crucially, they contain glucans—polysaccharides that can enhance our immune system, making them powerful allies in our health.

The Marvel of Turkey Tail

Turkey tail (Trametes versicolor) is especially revered for its health benefits. This polypore mushroom grows abundantly around the world, often found on hardwood stumps in deciduous forests. Its distinctive appearance, with colorful stripes resembling a turkey's tail feathers, makes it easy to identify.

Historically, turkey tail has been used in traditional healing systems, particularly in Asian cultures, for millennia. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s known as yun zhi and is used to boost immunity, strengthen the lungs, and support liver health. Recent studies continue to validate its health-promoting properties, particularly in supporting immune function.

How to Prepare Turkey Tail

Turkey tail is not typically consumed directly due to its tough texture but can be used to infuse teas, broths, and soups. For optimal benefits, it’s best to strain the mushroom out before consuming the liquid. Additionally, turkey tail can be ground into powder for use in various culinary applications.

These mushrooms are typically in season from May through December, but they can grow year-round. If you're interested in foraging for your own turkey tail, I recommend doing thorough research and consulting expert resources to ensure safe identification.

Why Forage for Your Own Mushrooms?

Foraging for mushrooms like turkey tail not only deepens your connection with the land but also allows you to harvest food that is often expensive when purchased commercially. Plus, many commercial operations use pesticides and other chemicals, so sourcing wild mushrooms can be a healthier option.

If foraging isn't an option for you yet, consider buying organic mushrooms when possible. One company I trust is Mountain Rose Herbs, which provides high-quality products.

Honorable Harvesting Guidelines

As we forage for wild plants, it’s essential to do so with respect and responsibility. Here are some honorable harvesting guidelines to follow:

  1. Do You Need It? Harvest with a purpose or plan in mind, not just for fun.
  2. Harvest Wisely: Only take what you will use and process it as soon as possible to avoid waste.
  3. 1 in 20 Rule: It’s okay to harvest a plant if there are 20 others available to maintain the population.
  4. Leave Grandmother: Allow the largest and healthiest plants to remain, ensuring they can propagate.
  5. Consider Wildlife: Select quality material and leave enough for pollinators and critters.
  6. Caretaker Attitude: Harvest with the mindset of ensuring the sustainability of the plant or ecosystem.
  7. Avoid Polluted Areas: Harvest from clean, unpolluted locations.
  8. Permission and Law: Always ensure you have permission from landowners and follow local laws.
  9. Appreciation: Offer thanks and bring positive energy to your harvest.
  10. Safety First: Never consume anything unless you are 100% sure it’s safe to ingest.


Turkey Tail for Nourishment: Functional Medicinal Mushrooms

Turkey tail mushrooms offer a proactive, preventative approach to health, functioning in multiple beneficial ways.

As a potent prebiotic, turkey tail supports the growth of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria by providing them with essential food and fuel.

Key Components such as; 

- Polysaccharides: These compounds offer a range of benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects, gut barrier protection, and immune modulation through both microbiota-dependent and independent mechanisms. They are converted by gut bacteria into nourishing food for your microbiome.

- Beta-Glucans: These also prime immune cells, strengthen gut barrier function, and support a healthy microbiome. In the gut, beneficial bacteria thrive on beta-1,3-glucan’s long chains of glucose. This nourishment helps good bacteria outcompete harmful bacteria and yeast, reducing bloating and digestive issues. When beneficial bacteria metabolize beta-glucans, they produce short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate, and propionate, which have been shown to provide numerous health benefits. Notably, butyrate has anti-inflammatory effects that regulate immune-boosting T-cells, while short-chain fatty acids positively influence metabolism, heart health, and mood.

Turkey tail contains one of the highest concentrations of beta-glucans among all mushrooms. While my initial intuition suggests that consuming dried mushroom matter may yield the most benefits, be mindful that mushroom extracts might not contain the full spectrum of beta-glucans.

For those dealing with mold-related issues, turkey tail may help address excess estrogen and low melano-stimulating hormone levels due to its properties as an aromatase inhibitor, antifungal, and immune supporter.

Broth: A Sustainable Energy Boost
Mineral-rich bone or mushroom broth can provide a slow and sustainable energy boost. After foraging turkey tail mushrooms, I was inspired to create a nourishing broth for us.

Turkey tail can be added to broth, infused as tea, or consumed in powdered form. For simplicity sake; just add 1 cup dried turkey tail to a batch of poultry or vegetable broth. 

This is a great time of year to collect turkey tail and prepare for the colder months when colds and flu are more prevalent. Broth serves as both a nutritious meal and a health booster.

Making Broth:
It’s simple once you establish a routine. I use an Instant Pot now, but you can also make it on the stovetop. Many recipes are available online, including those from Nourished Kitchen, Raising Generation Nourished, and Craig Fear’s *Fearless Broths*. The Weston Price Foundation and the *Nourishing Traditions* cookbook are also excellent resources.

Benefits of Broth:
Broth provides essential minerals, protein, and nutrients from added herbs, vegetables, and mushrooms. It supports a strong immune system, particularly after an illness. I also like to add herbs that help rebuild endocrine function—a bit like refueling your energy reserves.

When purchasing broth, aim for products with 9-10 grams of protein per serving. For additional nutrients, consider adding wild greens like nettles or seaweeds, which provide a broad spectrum of minerals.

Turkey Tail Dosage: For powdered capsules or tea, a dose of 1-3 grams per day for up to 12 weeks is suggested. 

Mushroom Choices:
While turkey tail is my favorite in the winter medicinally, I also incorporate other foraged mushrooms like fresh oyster mushrooms when available.

To further enhance energy levels, I recommend adding nourishing adaptogens like burdock root and astragalus, which blend well into broth without bitterness.

Remember, making broth doesn’t need to be complicated. With practice, anyone can master a flavorful, mineral-rich broth that suits their tastes.

I hope this inspires you to explore the world of functional mushrooms and try turkey tail—it has become a staple in my kitchen!

Links that were mentioned in the episode if you want to dig further: 

Find me on Instagram : @ OR @ holisticmineralbalancing
Find me on Telegram: A Joy To Be Me

If you are interested in working with me learn more HERE. 

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