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How to live through one of the craziest times ever

Staying at home this past 6 weeks or so has proven to be quite a test to many of you. It's one of the craziest times ever for most of you. And there is no playbook, no survival guide. That said, I have some thoughts to help support you through this bizarre time.

In the beginning of quarantine, you may have worried too much about the potential health hazards. Perhaps you still are, but this over-worrying has made it impossible for you to actually experience and enjoy your life. Yes, even during a pandemic it's okay to still experience joy and all that life as to offer.

Perhaps you've held on to the worry as a protection. So you don't get careless. You are afraid to let go of the worry because you might expose yourself and get sick. While this could be true, it's still possible to LIVE today.

Life is for living, not preoccupying yourself with what MIGHT happen should you go outside. You need to get outside, strengthen your muscles both physically and mentally. Doing so will create a sense of health and wellness that you have only dreamed of.

You many be feeling battle weary at the moment in terms of your health.
Whether it is stress, anxiety or a recent illness, the challenges you have been through or a currently going through have drained your energy.  Now is a time to treat yourself with kindness and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Don't judge yourself if you are watching others sail through quarantine, eating clean, working out and rocking their biz. Just focus on you. Your mental and emotional response right now are valid and not to be compared to anyone. Rather consider how you can find the support you need. No judgement, no shame.

If you are struggling to cope and feel like you are going to sabotage yourself, that's an indication you may want to reach out and get help or invest in help.

You asking for help is brave and a good effort towards safeguarding your health. Caring for yourself in whatever way you need during this season will be rewarded.

If the pressure coming from many sources (news, social media, family stress) is adding up and building more stress and anxiety for you, GET SUPPORT. Don't hesitate to do so. The truth is, we all need support, and now more than ever.

I have learned from my years of adrenal fatigue recovery that anyone can become a self-sufficient capable human. You may need a guide, mentor or coach for a time to help you see that is possible. To help you believe in yourself and your own resilience, let someone support you. I've had many mentors/coaches and healers support me in my recovery. In part, it's what led me to do what I do now helping women recover from burnout.

I learned a whole new way of life after my divorce so I could recover my health. It was lonely at times but I learned I could overcome a lot more than I ever thought possible.

The truth is, you too have what it takes to do what is needed to heal. Eating right, working out, and taking care of your soul can feel like a full-time job, but you can handle any situation competently. If I, a single burned out mom of four can recover, you can too.

If you are dealing with a chronic illness, seek guidance from a specialist and then follow the suggested treatment plan as religiously as possible. Doing so will allow you to improve in so many different areas of your life.

When I learned I was in quadruple burnout many years ago, my health recovery became my 'new religion'. Remember, 'religion' is just a safety net until you grow your own wings and trust your own inner guidance. I eventually learned to embody key habits that led me to create an entire new lifestyle that supported my entire health; mind, body, soul. Now I trust myself enough to live in a way that supports my health without 'falling off any wagons'.

For me, there was no other alternative to having a healthy body and life I loved. I believed that there had to be more for me in life than I had been experiencing and I never gave up on that.

You too, can f
ind the courage to change your life.

It IS possible, and it is up to you to free yourself from your negative patterns, addictions, dependencies. That is one thing I feel this slow down or 'shut down' has forced many of us to face, our own self.

We've been called to sit with ourselves in a way perhaps that life normally would not allow.
Being with yourself in a frenetic society takes guts. Most people are not comfortable doing this at all. I sure wasn't.

To willingly look at your inner demons: your secrets, your shames, your addictive tendencies... that takes courage. It can seem quite heavy, but the truth is that simply acknowledging what is enslaving you is a hugely powerful step in finding liberation.

Once you are able to clearly identify your 'demons', you can get to know them better and find appropriate ways to free yourself. Okay I realize 'demons' sounds super intense, let's call them your thought patterns or learned ways of being. Patterns you learned to cope or manage pain, hurts, discomfort instead of facing your emotions head on and learning what they might be there to show you.

A couple years back I had an opportunity to do a really powerful live podcast with my friend Marie Houlden. Her expertise is in emotional freedom technique. We talked about 'emotional detox', which is really just about you feeling what you feel and loving yourself anyway. It's allowing yourself to be honest about what you feel even if it feels hard to do.

I believe a lot of what people are facing in this time, is not knowing how to deal with their feelings, pain, emotions, stress in way that is supportive. If you feel that's you, do check out the video HERE.

I believe we can all look beyond the surface of what we see in the material world and go much deeper. You and I were meant to find meaning and purpose in this life. Yes, even amidst a pandemic. I encourage you to make space in your life for what helps you find meaning in being alive.

Maybe you've read this far and you already know what to do to support your health, but feel like your feet are in stuck in cement so to speak. You can't seem to bring yourself to do anything, you feel paralyzed to do anything to support your health right now.

That is actually a common nervous system response to a lost sense of security. And for you, I also encourage asking for help or if you don't feel you can ask - be open to receive help when it is offered. Right now during this time, I've found more people are asking how they can help - go find those people. I am one of them and I'm here to help you (learn more below).

I was in this paralyzed frozen state years ago and gratefully a couple people reached out and asked how they could help. I needed to lean on their outside perspective in that time to get my own resolve back. To find my courage, I needed the comfort and support of others and to this day I'm grateful I allowed myself to receive help. We all have courage, sometimes we just have to dig a little and sometimes we need others to hold space with us while we do just that. Getting help during this crazy time is one of the best things to do when you can't seem to care for yourself.

It's okay to not be okay. It's also okay to have the humility to know when to get the support you need, so you can enjoy the best health possible right now.

I hope you find the additional articles I linked in this post to be helpful and supportive at this time. If this post resonated and you know you need a coach or mentor right now, feel free to sign up for a breakthrough session with me.

I do work with women one on one. I will listen and support you in this time and we can discuss how I can further support you. This session is an incredibly powerful life changing time. I'll empower you to breakthrough your own limitations and get back to living your dream life.

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