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A year in review : What are you moving towards?


Me, I'm moving towards expanding my PLEASURE! 

Listen to the Podcast version of this blog post : Find: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify Episode 41: A year in review: What are you moving towards? 

We are heading into a NEW YEAR,  but does that mean we have to suddenly FIX all the things in our life come January 1st. 

I’m not setting any New Year’s resolutions or buying some kind of 2021 planner or doing a cleanse or detox

Instead I’m reviewing the year as I always do, reflecting on what I learned and what I still want to learn more about and just moving more towards what lights me up!

I am remembering the freedom to be here and live an enjoyable life!

My purpose is to be in joy and reinvent fun, express who I am, inspire through my being - have fun. Life has already been way too heavy for far too long. 

No planning to fulfill my potential. I’m organizing around pleasure.

How about you? Are you tired of the pressure to be so productive?

BURNED OUT from trying to fit into the ‘perceived societal ways’, or to keep up with the Joneses. 

Do you want to enjoy life more,  be present daily and just let your purpose be fulfilled by just BEING?

I was having a recent convo with someone who was sharing how she basically no longer found joy in her art and hobbies - now this is a woman who used to easily express her passion and also is very artistic and soulful.

The burnout of 2020 added to her recovery from PTSD and fibro took it’s toll.

But here’s the thing… ENERGY is not elusive, joy is possible even in the hard times and pleasure is a powerful ‘healer’

How can you/we move beyond hte FREEZE and apathy of burnout?

It’s not easy, I’ve been there myself, but it’s possible even with the simplest baby step and often steps that are easier than you think, leading you to have fun again, laugh again, play again!

It's time to get back to those simple pleasures - pleasure is the way!  

(By the way, go back and listen to Episode #39 with Amy Love: Pleasure is the way out of burnout and Episode #15 : How to create a life full of pleasure)

In the same conversation with the woman who lost her art/passion, we talked a lot about how nutrition opens the door to the emotional part of our bodies. While we are all different in what our health/life/mental challenges are - the amazing thing is, nutrition opens the door to being more of your most fully alive vibrant self.

Be it from food, sunshine, nature, light, fresh air, love, connection, community, anything that nourishes your whole self is nutrition in my book.

I’ve watched not only myself but so many clients and students become more alive - more in touch with themselves, more resilient in their emotional and physical well being.

As you know I educate around minerals and emotions influence minerals and vice versa : minerals influence emotions.

Clinical research supports a crucial link between mineral status and mental health. Minerals  play indispensable roles in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the brain. Minerals regulate emotions, thoughts, mood, sleep, and behavior by modulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA and glutamate.

Trace minerals are critical for every cellular function in the body, in terms of the brain we tend to overfocus on amino acids and vitamins and forget the critical role minerals play in neurotransmitters synthesis and function.

The receptors on the neurons have critical links with minerals and don’t function well without these trace minerals and these deficiencies have profound neuro-psychiatric effects.

The nutrition industry has over focused on vitamins and missed the importance of trace minerals that have been dramatically decreasing due to our depleted soils and depleted diets and even our water.

Studies show that mineral supplementation supports emotional well-being, cognitive function and brain health. There are studies documenting significant mood benefits in those who supplement with magnesium. 

I see this in my own practice as well as my own life as even just magnesium begins to get restored in the body there are positive changes in my clients moods and ability to handle stress (those two things free you up enough to experience better emotional well being and get back to enjoying what you love and turns you on).

And since I work with hair tissue mineral analysis I have the great privilege of seeing this play out in people’s lives. The women in burnout I work with also express a lot of emotional struggles and as they get their minerals back on board based on their unique biochemistry -it’s like suddenly the spark comes back. They start doing things they love again! Even my students that I teach in my practitioner program experience this and once they get that spark they get excited to put themselves out there and work with more clients.

And that has been a joy to see! 

This is what I mean when I say; I help burned out women recover their energy so they can live a turned on life they love.

And just to remind you I have 3 ways I do this ( I also work with men and children too by the way but my primary audience and the language I use and stories I tell tend to focus on women).

There are 3 ways I can support you: 

First, I just put together a new mini program called REMINERALIZE to teach people how to get the building blocks in place for their health so they can start to experience this MINERAL spark and not throw their body off balance.

You can join now at the early bird price while I’m still finishing up the course content -there’s a bunch of content that has already been delivered that you can dive into right away.

Second, I can work with you as a 1:1 client - I do HTMA with each person I work with and I have a consultation option as well as a deeper package option for folks who need a lot more support and 1:1 accountability/guidance.

This year I built a program to go with my 1:1 HTMA client work and it has been really great to further educate clients and have a HUB to go to support them on their mineral balancing journey.

Third, I have a practitioner program I released this year too - it was a streamlined updated revamp of my past practitioner course and it has been a blast to put together. You can join that now too and be a part of the group support in 2021.

So this year for me was a year of creation and learning incredibly resilience while doing so -which required my own creative cup to be filled through pleasure and enjoying art and creativity everywhere around me.

3 lessons I learned : to simplify and appreciate the simple joys in life, we are all quite resilient (just like nature adapts, humans can too), and beauty, art and creativity are all around if you just open your heart and mind and look. 

As I reflect back over this past year, one thing that stands out to me more than anything is all the simple pleasures I enjoyed amidst the challenges and uncertainties of 2020. 

I had so many adventures, enjoyed so many new places, and found art and creativity everywhere I went. My little video above was from one of my mini adventures touring around the outside of the Philadelphia art museum with my boyfriend. Right before the protests - making my memory all the sweeter.

I remember marveling as I enjoyed the area, how much beauty there is everywhere if you look. I was able to capture countless artistic photos around the city which I will forever treasure.

I think 2020 highlighted simplicity, art, creativity and just enjoying the small daily pleasures.

Yes even amidst the ugliness  and fuckery 2020 shined a light on, I can say this.

Just remember there is beauty in the mess of life!

I'm curious...what are you moving towards as we transition into 2021? I hope you found this post/podcast helpful! 



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