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Nurturing Independence: A Mom's Journey with Four Sons and the Power of Magnesium

I'm the proud mom of four sons, aged 25, 21, 19, and 17. With three of them no longer living under my roof, I've had to master the delicate balance of letting go while still being a steady support system. It's been an interesting dance—letting them make their own decisions, learn from their mistakes, and occasionally throwing out my “mom life preserver” when necessary.


Growing up in a household where functional nutrition was the norm, my boys were immersed in a lifestyle focused on health and well-being. This immersion gave them a solid foundation to build upon, yet each one still has to find their own "why" for maintaining those habits. As we all know, everyone learns differently, and many of us have to take the hard road to really understand life’s lessons.


Recently, one of my older sons has been wrestling with his own "why." He’s finally taking the initiative to implement the healthy habits he once fought me on but undoubtedly benefited from. Part of this newfound motivation stems from self-consciousness about body changes he doesn’t like, poor sleep, and feeling incredibly tired in the mornings. He's also eager to recall his dreams and find ways to enjoy life more fully.


It’s been fascinating to watch him start researching what he needs. He’s realized that his challenges with sleep and mood could be alleviated by a cleaner diet and the right supplements. For instance, he's now looking into magnesium—something I’ve long advocated for. It’s taken his own life experiences to grasp what I’ve been preaching all along.


So, to all the mamas out there: don’t give up hope. You’re planting seeds, even if it doesn’t seem like your kids are on board or if they're resisting you. It’s crucial for our kids to learn how to lead themselves, and that’s a lesson only life can teach.


Now that my son is motivated on his own, I can be his true ally. The habits are more likely to stick because he’s found his own "why," his own resolve, and his own problems that he no longer wants to tolerate. And I’m incredibly grateful for that.


Magnesium has always been one of my favorite minerals for anyone to start with. While no mineral works alone, magnesium is vital for many bodily functions. It's tough to get enough from diet alone—especially with our modern lifestyles. Fortunately, my son is open to eating more magnesium-rich foods from our garden, CSA, and my foraging trips, along with other whole foods. He was my pickiest eater but has become more open to trying new things, transitioning from romaine and spinach to a variety of greens. He's even enjoying some bulk purchases from Costco, like brown rice, quinoa, and sprouted pumpkin seeds, as well as drinking more spring water from my bimonthly trips.


Adding supplements to his routine, particularly magnesium before bed, fits well with his love for creating his own routines. He believes magnesium glycinate helps him dream better. While I can't definitively say that's true, his excitement about this mineral is undeniable. Over a few months of consistent use, it could indeed improve his sleep, which, in turn, might help with his dream recall. I was also able to share my own experiences with magnesium—how it helped me sleep better and manage stress and anxiety during my struggle with insomnia many moons ago.


To me, this experience beautifully illustrates the importance of meeting people where they are to help them establish a strong foundation for health. And if, as a mom, you've shored up your own foundations and solved your health challenges, it certainly helps you mentor your children as an embodied example.

I hope this story inspires you to evaluate your own intake of magnesium-rich foods and consider whether supplementing might be beneficial for you. I've compiled a wealth of resources on magnesium over the years, which you can find in the archives below. I always recommend starting with food, considering topical applications, and only then moving to supplements if necessary. My top choice for a supplement would be an ionic form, as it's one of the best ways to absorb minerals. I hope this resonates with you!

If you'd like to do some further investigation check out these blogs and podcasts of mine: 

How to destress with the most magical mineral 
How to get magnesium right from the start 
The magnesium calcium relationship & why it matters for muscle health 
How to take a magnesium bath 
Transdermal magnesium & endocrine function 
Why we need high magnesium & low calcium 
What you need to know when magnesium makes you feel worse 
Assessing magnesium deficiency
Magnesium, hormones & motherhood (+a heartfelt story)

Here's a quick list of some common magnesium rich foods for you: 
Kelp, Rice bran, Pumpkin seeds, Spinach, Cashews, Black-eyed peas, Beet greens, Swiss chard, Yogurt or kefir, Sesame seeds, Almonds, Wild rice, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Summer squash, Quinoa, Sunflower seeds, Navy beans, Square of high quality dark chocolate.

And if you are ready to amend your diet with some topical or supplemental magnesium here are my go-to's:


Magnesium lotion
Magnesium chloride flakes for baths  


ReMag Ionic Magnesium 
Magnesium Glycinate 

With love and minerals, 

Lydia Joy 

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