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PODCAST: Top Mistakes Women Make When 'Trying' To Recover Their Health

In this episode, I'm sharing my observations on the top mistakes women make when they are 'trying' to recover their health or before they even start. This is to bring awareness so you can re-frame how you view your health journey.

The first thing, I think needs to be understood is how your brain tries to keep you safe. It's important to understand you are not a victim of your circumstances - you are a co-creator of your life. I dig into this a bit more in the podcast.

Tune in to get a loving kick towards choosing yourself and laying a foundation for your health. It's not about adding more to your to-do list, it's about creating a lifestyle that allows your health to thrive.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you recently started a journey to recover your health and struggled with any of the things I mentioned in this episode ? Share in the comments below…

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE.

If you want more than just a consultation and online program, and know you need deeper support, coaching and accountability you can start with a breakthrough session HERE.



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