Trace Mineral : Building Blocks for Your Inner Ecosystem
Are you feeling out of balance, like your body's internal environment is in disarray? Just as a thriving ecosystem needs all its elements to function harmoniously, your body's inner ecology relies on a delicate balance of nutrients - with trace minerals playing a crucial role.
In today's world of processed foods and depleted soils, many of us are facing a silent crisis: trace mineral deficiencies. These tiny yet mighty elements are the unsung heroes of our internal ecosystem, affecting everything from our basic bodily functions to our overall sense of wellbeing.
Think of trace minerals as the essential microorganisms in the soil of your body's ecosystem:
• They form the foundation of your physiological processes, much like soil microbes support plant life.
• They help create a resilient internal environment, protecting you from 'invasive species' like illness and stress.
• They nurture the growth of beneficial 'flora and fauna' within you, supporting mood and energy levels.
• They allow your internal 'landscape' to flourish, boosting confidence and performance.
• They create the conditions for your highest form of 'biodiversity' - personal growth and self-actualization.
The good news? Replenishing these vital minerals can help restore balance to your inner ecosystem. Let's explore how we can best absorb these crucial elements...
We humans ingest our minerals in a few different ways:
🧂In salts, [as molecules in which a negatively charged atom is bonded ionically to a positively charged atom] such as sodium chloride or magnesium chloride & others.
💦In water and other liquids [these form a solution as the salts dissolve into positively and negatively charged mineral ions ] such as natural spring water, herbal infusions, homemade bone & vegetable broths, or sole (a homemade ionic salt water solution).
🥬In the food we eat [minerals are held ionically in a claw-like-way or “chelated” by a larger molecule ]- grown or raised on healthy soil.
Minerals are primarily absorbed best in IONIC form.
This is why I always say make sure everything you drink is MINERAL RICH.
If they are not in ionic form when we consume them they are ionized in our gut.
We have to consume ionic forms to help us have strong digestion and absorption in the first place AND these days we also have to fix poor digestion and gut dysbiosis to benefit from the minerals we eat or the supplements (pills) we take.
So we have to think about this strategically
✔️Are we getting enough salt/s?
✔️Are we getting minerals in our water and are we drinking/consuming mineral rich liquids?
✔️Is our food mineral rich? Can we learn to source more minerally dense foods or grow it ourselves in soil we are testing/amending?
✔️And do we have strong digestive capacity and is our gut function integral enough to help us get the minerals from our food into a broken down enough state to utilize them?
These are the basics when it comes to minerals for all of us. Before we even get to supplementation because that gets tricky. I do believe we all likely need to supplement minerals for a time to remineralize and balance. I also believe we need to lay this foundation ^^ it can take a good solid two years of getting all of the above in place consistently to really start to deeply remineralize enough to stabilize your nervous system. The good news: you can feel it a lot sooner than that.
Here are a few trace mineral drops you could try—and NO, you don't need to buy fancy flavored electrolyte packets, tubs, or single-use premade electrolyte drinks (I'm looking at you, Gatorade and friends), or expensive flavored salt packets. eye roll
Don't let marketing complicate what's simple—getting your mineral base doesn't have to be expensive or complex.
Concentrace Trace Minerals Drops from Trace Minerals Research (the OG) - [order HERE]
Eidon Trace Mineral Drops - [order HERE]
12-in-1 Cell Salts - [order HERE]
Ready to take your healing journey deeper? If you want to learn more about thoroughly restoring your body's mineral system to address all those stress-related symptoms showing up in your life, check out my 1:1 client work with HTMA. Your body will thank you! ✨
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