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PODCAST: You Are Not A Fraud

In episode #31 of the podcast, I'm sharing thoughts and resources to help you deal with imposter syndrome. A psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

Imposter syndrome is when you doubt yourself, your skills, talents or accomplishments. You may have a persistent ongoing internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". This can happen in many areas of your life.

Imposter syndrome can be DEBILITATING. It can cause stress, anxiety, low self confidence, shame and even depression. 

One of it's biggest limits is that it affects your ability to go after what you want in life.

BUT what if impostor syndrome could help you pave the way to success and your big beautiful dreams? What if you could learn how to use it to your advantage?

Remember your brain is always trying to keep you SAFE.

So if you learn to listen to what your imposter syndrome voice is really trying to say and lean into it you can move out of the ‘comfort zone’ your brain is naturally keeping you in.

You can then find new ways to rewire your brain and reset your emotions. New brain based habits require practice and repetition.

Here are some resources for you:

Bruce Lipton is the author of one of my favorite books:  The Biology of Belief.

It's super nerdy, but SO fascinating. If you are not up for a dense read, try googling his name and watch a YouTube video or listen to a podcast he has done.
Anyway, in his book he discusses how unconscious programs set in place in your early childhood can rob you of choice in your adult life. He discusses how living with overwhelmed, chronically anxious or emotionally avoidant parents can cause you to live a fear-based life that drains you of energy. Energy that could be directed to greater creativity and fulfillment. I highly recommend his work. I thoroughly enjoyed this talk he did with Maria Mennunos recently called;  'Changing Your Life with Epigenetics'.

On the subject of reprogramming your subconscious transformation with brain science/transformational psychology and ancient wisdom.  I love The Jim Fortin podcast: Transform your life from the inside out. I've been bingeing his episodes big time this year.

Also, it's important to remember there are many paths to healing. YOU get to find a way that works for you. I love Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for helping me when I deal with false narratives like imposter syndrome.

EFT  also known as tapping is basically focused acupressure, which science reveals soothes the amygdala part of the brain.  This meridian-based self-help method has many applications- you can use it when you feel imposter syndrome roaring it’s head - EFT/ tapping rewires your brain and resets your emotions, gently and healthily. 

I learned about it years ago and worked with Marie Houlden an EFT practitioner. For me the guided version has had the best outcome. You can check out a past vlog episode I did with Marie on emotional ‘detox’. It doesn’t have to be traumatic when you are facing emotions, that was my fear but it was relieved when I worked with Marie. 

Stay tuned as she’ll be my next guest on the podcast we’ll be talking about CHOOSING to be happy and I can’t wait!

So, head on over to the podcast and give episode #31 a listen and let me know what you think. If you like this episode, please leave me a good review on iTunes - it would mean so much to me! 


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Now, I would love to hear from you... did this podcast episode give you some major ahas, do you struggle with feeling like a fraud? Share in the comments below…

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