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Reclaiming our health in a toxic world: Navigating Chemtrails & Aluminum

Episode #212: Reclaiming our health in a toxic world: Navigating Chemtrails & Aluminum

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We’ve officially entered the era of Pluto in Aquarius, and I can’t help but feel a surge of energy rising within me—a powerful call to action that resonates with the warrior mom vibe. I’m feeling ready to deep dive into this transformative time with you. 

As I reflect on the overwhelming power of massive forces looming over us, it’s hard not to feel like we’re facing a colossal monster trying to dictate every aspect of our lives. This weight can be cruel, especially when we resist.


Many of us are left feeling mentally unsettled and demoralized, as if our sense of purpose has been stripped away, along with our meaningful roles in society. We’ve become disconnected from nature, from each other, and from our own history and ancestral roots, leading to a troubling state of unhealthiness.


But here’s the truth: our challenges run deeper than just fixing our government. It’s time to look inward and reorganize our own lives. I believe wholeheartedly that we can rise to this challenge — and I’m here to support that journey.


Let’s rethink how we live and interact, recognizing that the era of waiting for someone else to save us is over. It’s up to us to reclaim our power and create the change we wish to see. Together, we can forge a path forward.

The Path I See


As you know, I often discuss how our current health crisis is largely due to our disconnect from nature — a concept I picked up from Arthur Haines’ book, *The New Path*. This issue is further complicated by the infrastructure around us, which has been intentionally poisoning us in ways that can be truly overwhelming once you start to recognize it.


We need to shine a light on this reality and expose it, so we can confront it and choose to take action, instead of sweeping it under the rug out of fear or overwhelm. Whenever we face something that feels monstrous, we must ground ourselves and take that first step, then keep moving forward. It’s like the saying: how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


The more of us who recognize that we’re all in this together and link arms to not only dig our way out, but also to create new pathways for healing and thriving, the better off we’ll be. We’re all grappling with these significant issues in our own ways, and it’s time to acknowledge this — together.

My Vision for Healing and Rebuilding


Over the past few years, I’ve been dedicated to creating a framework that helps families recover, heal, and rebuild, ensuring that future generations aren’t overwhelmed by toxins and a lack of nourishment.


I’ve shared my seven pillars and fundamental principles in many podcast episodes, to quickly remind you those include:

Sun/light: Emphasizes the importance of natural light for optimal wellness as well as avoiding unnatural light and its detrimental impacts.


Water: Focuses on proper quality of water for deep cellular hydration and its vital role in bodily functions and overall health as well as avoiding toxic demineralized water. 


Air/breath: Highlights the significance of breathing practices and fresh air for vitality and relaxation as well as repairing all the challenges with our air and airways. 


Movement/lymph/detox: Stresses the benefits of physical activity for circulation, lymphatic health, and detoxification and helps to undo the damages of becoming a sitting society. 


Food/nourishment/soil: Underlines the connection between nutritious food, healthy soil, and sustainable/regenerative practices. 


Community/connection: Recognizes the importance of social connections and supportive relationships for emotional well-being. As well as our connection to the natural world. And relearning what this looks like in a world that has become entirely disconnected. 


Purpose/soul path/embodied self-expression: Encourages finding personal meaning and expressing oneself authentically for fulfillment and deconditioning the false self and awakening the true self.

I will continue to deepen my communication and education of these pillars so that more people feel empowered to cultivate healthy lifestyles, even in this toxic society. 


I truly believe we can rebuild and experience deep nourishment, even in the face of what feels like chemical warfare. This isn’t a privilege; it’s a necessity. We all have the power to deconstruct and reconstruct our lives, to swim against the current so we can eventually flow with it. We deserve to wake up without the fear of our children being poisoned at every turn.


We face a significant challenge: returning to natural ways in a world that often disregards them. In a society where those who follow nature’s laws are sometimes mocked or criticized, we must remain steadfast.


When you choose what you stand for, you naturally oppose what goes against it. Choosing real food means avoiding toxic, processed options. Eating in alignment with nature reveals that no corporation can produce truly nourishing food. Recognizing that the principle of "first, do no harm" is often overlooked prompts us to reconsider whom we trust on our health journeys.


Looking closely at nature helps us see the unnatural everywhere — in chemtrails, pollution, and toxins found in food, medicine, and household products. As well as the way society is structured and how it’s completely opposite of what creates wellness. It can feel overwhelming, but we must confront it.


The more each person embarks on their journey toward a natural, holistic lifestyle, the easier it becomes for all of us. 


I’m here to support that journey. I’ve been navigating it for myself and my family, which is why I have a podcast and why I’m committed to this path. My purpose is to serve as an earth worker and an embodied example of how we can reclaim and rewild our wellness.

In my next episode, I’ll dive deeper into a specific health topic through the framework I’ve developed. Right now, several pressing issues are affecting our environment and health so I thought I’d talk about that today. We’ve been seeing an increase in chemtrails, and we’re experiencing a massive drought coupled with unseasonably warm temperatures. These factors are creating significant challenges.

Chem trails/ Aluminum : & My 7 Pillars

Many of my close friends and family are feeling the effects of the chemicals being sprayed in the sky. I’ve been reminding them how to take care of themselves amid this toxic assault. One of my seven pillars of health is **Air & Breathe.** While this concept seems simple, it has become increasingly complex due to all the imbalances in our environment.


Chemtrails force us to breathe in toxic air, which impacts our respiratory system and the oxygen supply to our brains. Therefore, it’s essential to take steps to protect and support ourselves.


One key recommendation is to irrigate your sinuses daily. Using a neti pot or nasal spray can help. If you’re experiencing significant pressure in your sinuses, consider facial massage, gua sha, or manual manipulation first, as a neti pot could create too much pressure and be painful. If that's the case, starting with a saline spray is a gentler option.


Here are two essential practices we can all adopt:

  1. **Nasal Irrigation**
  2. **Manual Lymphatic Drainage** of the sinuses and lymph nodes in the head and neck.


Additionally, having an air filtration system in your home is highly advisable.


I recommend nasal irrigation 1-2 times a day—first thing in the morning and just before bed. Many people struggle with breathing during sleep, and clear sinuses can help alleviate that. Start with a saline rinse and do it consistently. You can enhance its effectiveness by adding ingredients like pico silver and iodine to protect your brain and pineal gland from airborne toxins.


For manual lymphatic drainage, look up facial gua sha techniques to massage your face using stones or your hands. It’s simple and can be done anywhere. Whenever I notice toxins in the air, I start massaging my sinuses and relevant acupressure points. You might also consider visiting a massage therapist or chiropractor who can help release tension in your head and jaw.


Since the sinuses connect to the brain, protecting ourselves from heavy metals is crucial. Metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium can accumulate in the body and have neurotoxic effects. Research links exposure to these metals with neurological disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson’s disease, which can severely impact cognitive function and quality of life.


Chemtrails also contain aluminum, which I have seen elevated on every single hair test I’ve ever run for the past 10+ years. Our bodies primarily excrete aluminum through our urine and secondarily through the skin. Therefore, it’s essential to focus on the **Water** pillar of health—drinking mineralized water, herbal infusions, and broths while consuming fruits and vegetables that provide structured water. If your kidneys are impaired, you may need additional support; I have episodes dedicated to kidney health (here and here).


Your skin can detox aluminum, so maintaining hydration and encouraging sweating are vital. This highlights the importance of the **Movement** pillar for lymphatic health. Dry brushing, movement, and sweating (such as using a sauna) can help. If you find it difficult to sweat, it may indicate stagnation in your body that needs addressing.


The **Food** pillar is equally important; being well-nourished supports optimal function and detoxification. Eating fresh, local, in-season produce provides a complex of vitamin C and other antioxidants that help the body manage toxins, including aluminum. Aluminum detox requires a large number of antioxidants - so increasing local fresh in season plants as well as eating more color - polyphenols is important


A full spectrum of minerals is crucial, as many aid in the removal of aluminum from the body. I recommend using nettles seaweed gomasio for minerals like iodine and flavor, as it contains seaweed, or incorporating trace mineral drops like Eidon’s (here) or my favorite bigger gus ionic minerals ReMyte (here).

Horsetail, nettle and oatstraw infusions  are rich in silica and can be used to assist aluminum elimination. Magnesium also helps shut out aluminum from cells
and is particularly effective for detoxifying metals, including aluminum, and I have a starter kit available for that. My magnesium starter kit also includes my recipe for oatstraw infusions for you. 

All these foundational practices are essential not only for combating airborne toxins but also for overall health. I hope you find something here to incorporate into your routine.

Additionally, chemtrails impact how sunlight reaches us, which relates to our Sun/Light Pillar. Our direct connection to nature is vital, and any impediment affects us deeply. This connection is also linked to our pineal gland, influencing our intuition and our ability to think independently—topics I’ll explore another time.

It’s clear that we must deepen our understanding of these fundamentals, as they are crucial for building lasting health. While the challenges may seem daunting, remember that every small action we take can lead to meaningful improvements.

If you're looking for a great starting point, check out my free "Magic of Magnesium" starter kit. It even includes a $50 code if you're interested in becoming a client.

Listen to this podcast with RFK Jr interviewing Dane Wigington about chemtrails
If you wanna go deeper: watch The Dimming 

For more personalized support on your health journey, explore the options I've created for you. Every client gains access to an online course that delves deeper into these essential pillars.

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis - HERE
  • Minerals & Microbes [HTMA & BIOME FX ]  HERE
  • Mind Body Coaching [ w/ HTMA & BIOMEFX ] HERE

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