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PODCAST: What is body voltage? And why does it matter?

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Listen to Episode # 133 : What is body voltage? And why does it matter? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I get into BODY VOLTAGE -what the heck that even is and why it matters. 

Healing is voltage my friends - grateful to my friend for sharing Jerry Tenant’s work with me years ago it’s been something I’ve been working on with vigilance to implement in my own life as well as to understand and even start to get others excited about too.

Without electrons, without current, without voltage we are dead so the more charged up the fuller of life we are. 

Also, you may enjoy checking out my past episode with my friend Michale from 2020 [ Open up to your amazing beautiful life ], as mentioned in this episode. 



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