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This Is The Magic Key To Unlock Your Overwhelm For Good

Let's be honest, most of you are on a quest to feel at home within yourselves. You are looking for answers outside of yourself and feel incredibly overwhelmed as you reach for inner peace, joy and clarity. You are looking for a magic key to unlock the door to feeling stuck for good.

I sure was for most of my life.

Even still, if I listen to my own unkind, perfectionist, inner chatter that tries to inundate me with self-doubt - and forgetting WHO I REALLY AM - I can get totally side-lined and overcome with crippling overwhelm. How about you?

I shared more of my own story about turning my overwhelming breakdown into my breakthrough and how learning radical self-love was the catalyst, in a recent podcast. Be sure to check that out HERE if you haven't already.

Overwhelm is incredibly dis-empowering. It's negative impact shows up in every area of your life when it's allowed to run rampant. Society does perpetuate this if we think we have to fit into it's norms, but I think it goes deeper than this.

You have to stop adding fuel to the overwhelm fire. Overwhelm happens when your nervous system is in reaction mode, over-firing constantly.

Instead of doing more when you find yourself in a state of overwhelm, it's time to start BEING more. Just be. Be you. Be still. Shift into ease and flow.

Why? You need to deactivate your sympathetic nervous system and activate your parasympathetic nervous system for a while.

The Key To Shift Overwhelm, Is To Love Yourself

It takes incredible LOVE for yourself to shift this story.

You do not have to hold the Universe up on your own anymore. You can't anyway. Just put it all down, let it all go, you are not in control anyway. You are safe. Your ego just wants to keep you safe, so tell it you are and let yourself rest. This is the most loving thing you can do for yourself.

Allow yourself to love yourself. If this is hard for you - join my 5 Days of Radical Self-Love HERE.

The truth will set you free: You are already completely worthy. So, be good to yourself. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone to have your basic needs met. One of your basic needs is to be allowed to rest, I mean really rest. Rest from all the ways you can that amplify stress (mind-body-soul-spirit).

Self-love and self-care will help you come back to yourself – renew you, relax you, recharge you and help you feel better about yourself. The more you choose yourself daily the more you will find you have the ability to stay out of overwhelm.

Truthfully, a long vacation won't fix a pattern of overwhelm. Even a day off here and there won't either. But, cultivating a habit of self-care born out of self-love will.

I've already shared many strategies to help you create 'me-time to absolutely make you decompress. As well as my favorite magic mineral that is the ultimate chill pill.

Be Honest With Yourself

So, you hear me on the love yourself piece... B-U-T... maybe you feel some resistance around it. That's okay for now, but you get to shift that. Maybe you have a limiting belief that makes it hard for you to choose to treat yourself with the ultimate TLC.

It took me a LONG time, many years and many layers before I really embraced self-love. It took me feeling 'safe' in ALL of my relationships. Again, this was my brain naturally trying to protect me. It took a lot of inner work and healing. But, ultimately I had to get out of my own way and choose ME.

You and I, we have heard ourselves tell ourselves a lot of things that hold us back out of fear or things that weren't even true about ourselves. But we get to learn to see that for what it is.

Listen when you feel fear, see why you feel fear and do what you need the most for your best interests anyway. Notice when you hear yourself say unkind, untrue things about yourself that diminish your worth.

Limiting beliefs may keep you small and feeling 'safe' but deep down they will contribute to your overwhelm.

Meditate Regularly To Clear Away The Mental Chatter

I'm pretty sure if everyone alive meditated more, we'd have less stress induced mental illness.

Health experts believe that meditating can help keep your mind in check throughout the day and reduce stress. Overwhelm is essentially STRESS.

Meditation actually allows the body to shift into the parasympathetic branch of your nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system, is responsible for your bodies “rest and digest” functions, and allows you to more deeply heal. It’s the counterbalancing force to fight or flight. Meditation is the tool by which you can learn to use that calming force at will.

The longer you stay in fight-or-flight mode, amped up, the more overwhelm you will experience.

Engaging the parasympathetic nervous system is perhaps the most profound and immediately effective hack that exists to shift out of overwhelm. I know it's a tough one to embrace in our driven society, but I can't express it's power enough. So it bears repeating.

Personally, I try to meditate a couple times a day. Some days it's once and short, other's it's several times in between things or maybe one long session before bed.

I often do in the morning after my yoga session or when the weather is warm I do a moving meditation in the woods, with no cell interruption. Just me and mother nature.

I really like to set an intention before I shift into my meditation and then just allow what happens to happen. I may fall asleep even. If I do it during the day when I have to 'get back to life or work', I'll set a timer.

In the winter, I love to do longer meditations in the evening since it gets dark so early. I'll set up my infrared heat lamp and lay under it with it over my belly. Turn off the lights and put on a guided meditation or binaural beats.

The beauty of meditation is that it sets you up to hear your own inner voice and see what is truly possible for you, instead of focusing on what is wrong or your current circumstances. Meditation helps you shift. It's like a switch you can flip any time you actually choose too. It takes practice and choice on your part.

Pep Talk Time...

Okay, here's the part where I give you a big ole pep talk. Consider me your virtual cheerleader today. I know you are in the process of something big here, something life changing and profound. Deep down your inner warrior is rising up ready to come out and defend your own honor come what may.

Transformation, strength, courage you're ready to let them be your default setting.
Beauty, grace, ease and powerful determination are at your core when you see yourself as already whole and worthy.

It's up to you to keep on track. Will you rise to the challenge? Or shrink back when your inner doubt is screaming at your or worse yet, subtly berating you with it's incessant sneaky whispers?

OR, will you trust your intuition and have the confidence to follow it?

Today, I want to remind you that you are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. It is YOUR time to shine your light brightly for the world. Share your gifts. Follow your heart. Don't let anyone or anything throw you off course.

No more masks, take them off. No need for illusions. Accept yourself fully and bring your whole self forth.

Simplify your life in any area you can, cut out anything drains your energy unnecessarily and add more of what makes you feel alive.

My client Julie learned to unlock her emotional overwhelm when she tapped into her own magic and learned to love herself. As she chose herself and believed in herself, she began see her whole life shift in beautiful ways. Things that were incredibly overwhelming in her emotions, mind, body all began to fade away. You can read her story

I empower women to shift out of overwhelm, uncertainty and breakdown into more confident, thriving and balanced lives – body, mind, soul.

I help women create, cultivate and sustain their own transformation and growthI’m all about diving deep and doing the inner work to transform your outer life. I’m all about radical self-love  – making the deep-down, heartfelt changes so you feel really, really good…If you are too, then let’s make magic together! Book Your Breakthrough Session With Me Today!

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you struggled with incessant overwhelm in your life?  Did this post resonate with you in any way? Share in the comments below…

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