What do you want for your health & life in 2022?

Let's bring in the New Year with some good health vibes, shall we?

Listen to Episode # 97 : What do you want for your health & life in 2022? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode, I'm asking a VERY important question of which is the foundation for you to set yourself up to create & build health and happiness! Let's dive in!

De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want in life!

I talk more about going back to the basics, the fundamentals -get to the roots so you can make a radical shift for your health this year. You can't build upon a faulty foundation - and we all have room to grow in shoring up the fundamentals -the pillars of our health. 

So let's get back to the basics and go DEEPER with them. I share what I think are the 7 pillars of health. You can get started with the next step for YOU for each of those pillars instead of getting swept away by the 'trends' of 2022 or 'bright shiny object syndrome'. 

I also encourage you to go back through the archives of the podcast, I've covered a lot already and it's all still very valid and helpful. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- What do you want? with David Hayward 
- Know Thyself: How to Be Tru to YOU
- Mindful (Impactful) Movement with Margaret Barry
- Red Light Therapy with Kris Kross 
- Safe Summer Sun Sessions 
- Fall Back: Heading into the dark days 
- Healthy Homemade Electrolyte Drink 
- How to transform your life in 10,000 steps a day 



Ready to increase your energy by balancing your body's minerals? This mini program is for anyone who wants to take their health to the next level. If your health is not where you want it to be after having cleaned up your diet, detoxed your personal care products implemented an exercise routine, hand normal test results with your docter but still don't 'feel' normal -it's time to remineralize. *Learn more HERE.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Client Program
 Get started with your mineral balancing journey by becoming a 1:1 client. You'll get your very own HTMA session and game plan from me. PLUS access to my online program over the course of 12 weeks to fully support and assist you as you implement your protocol. *Learn more HERE.


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