Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you
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The Importance of Minerals in Hydration
In today's world, finding pure mineral-rich water is a challenge. However, it's crucial to pay attention to our mineral intake, especially when it comes to hydration. Interestingly, there is a connection between thirst and electrolyte deficiencies. Many individuals wonder why they feel dehydrated and thirsty despite drinking ample water. The truth is, thirst can indicate a lack of electrolytes in...
Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you
Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.
In this episode I delve into the fascinating world of potassium and its remarkable role in maintaining regularity and smooth digestive function. Whether you suffer from constipation or not, there's plenty to learn about this essential mineral. So, get ready for an entertaining and informative ride as we explore the secrets of potassium.
The Importance of Potassium
I kick off the episode by highlighting the serious issue of constipation, which can...
Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you
Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.
In this episode, I explore two topics that have been circulating in the health arena: the carnivore diet and the use of copper, iron, and aluminum cookware. While these trends may seem enticing, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and consider alternative options.
The Carnivore Diet and Potassium Deficiency
The carnivore diet, which emphasizes meat consumption, has gained popularity recently. However, it overlooks a critical...
Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you
Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] or iTunes [ HERE ] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.
In a world filled with health trends and quick fixes, it's time to go back to the basics and make the foundations of health sexy again. Our modern society has disconnected us from nature and our innate biology, leading to a decline in overall well-being. It's time to rebel against this societal norm and rediscover the power of nature-connected living. This blog post explores the concept of rewilding and its...
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In this episode I chat about our luteal phase - and some of the nuance around it for women in relationship to nutrition, lifestyle and more. When you are able to decode your own physiology, you’re able to help your body heal and use that body to create the life you desire.
Listen to episode # 140 : Understanding & supporting the luteal phase of your cycle - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
Ladies, and the men that love the ladies, let’s talk about your LUTEAL PHASE today
I got some good feedback from folks about my episode on minerals and ovulation so I’m back to dig into another phase of our cycle and it just so happens to be the cycle I’m currently hanging out in and wanted to share some insight specifically about this phase with you today.
As a quick reminder
The four phases of a women’s infradian rhythm (aka: monthly cycle) are:...
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In this episode I chat about ovulation - and some of the nuance around it for women in relationship to two key minerals. These minerals are imbalanced to some degree in everyone today.
Listen to episode #138 : Minerals that impact ovulation - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
Okay ladies (and guys this is important to know about your lady) I’ve gotta be honest with you - I’m a little surprised how many women do not know the phases of their cycle. Let’s change this please cause you need to know -it affects you every month in 4 different phases and tuning into your hormones helps you know how to take really good care of yourselves.
The four phases are: menstruation, follicular, ovulation and luteal
Your hormones are completely different in each of these 4 phases.
I happen to currently be in my ovulation phase and wanted to share some insight...
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In this episode I shared a potent piece of writing that flowed through me this morning - I hope you find it encouraging as you listen or read.
Listen to Episode # 136 : SHE is powerful - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
They tried to silence and suppress her voice
Her curiosity would question
They would stifle
“Shh child stop asking so many questions”
Every time her wild child showed up she was dismissed
She would get sent to school with perfect french braids only to come home looking like she put her finger in a light socket
She could NEVER sit still
She was and is a tsunami in a teacup
A wild voracious force not meant to be sat down, shushed or tamed
The only safe place for her wild to be free was when she got lost in nature or hid out in her room
She’d wander the woods, creeks and climb in the trees
She’d make mud pies and sing to bugs
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In this episode talk about how you are what you digest and absorb nutrient wise - aka ASSIMILATION because that term is coming up for me holistically speaking on the heels of the sound healing retreat I’ve felt there was a lot to digest, absorb and assimilate. So let’s dig into it because it’s important and comes up in every client I work with -in fact today I just reviewed a BiomeFX with one of my favorite doctors and we talked about digestive inefficiency and how it’s a top priority in any case regardless of the differences in results.
There are several symptoms that lead us to suspect that poor absorption or maldigestion is taking place before the first test is ever even done. These may include bloating, burping, upset stomach, diarrhea, gas, a desire to eat when...
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On the heels of a beautiful sound healing retreat weekend and I wanted to share about the experience with you. I’ve used sound in many ways to support my own healing journey and now I recommend it to my clients as well - particularly those who are the most stressed out and have clear nervous system dysregulation causing more intense symptoms (such as anxiety).
Listen to Episode # 134 : Healing through sound (retreat recap) : Find - A Joy To Be Me : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
In this episode I share a quick explanation of how sound has been used as medicine for healing throughout history and then talk about the different modalities I experienced at a retreat I attended this past week.
*I forgot to mention my friend Marty's beautiful native flute playing that started the whole thing off (sorry Marty).
Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two...
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Listen to Episode # 133 : What is body voltage? And why does it matter? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
In this episode I get into BODY VOLTAGE -what the heck that even is and why it matters.
Healing is voltage my friends - grateful to my friend for sharing Jerry Tenant’s work with me years ago it’s been something I’ve been working on with vigilance to implement in my own life as well as to understand and even start to get others excited about too.
Without electrons, without current, without voltage we are dead so the more charged up the fuller of life we are.
Also, you may enjoy checking out my past episode with my friend Michale from 2020 [ Open up to your amazing beautiful life ], as mentioned in this episode.
Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA...
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