Episode #54: Let's Wake Your Thyroid Back Up
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Hey there! Have you been feeling off lately? Maybe you're exhausted all the time, or your weight's been creeping up for no reason? These could be signs that your thyroid isn't working quite right, and it's messing with your basic needs - you know, the stuff that keeps you going day to day.
In my latest podcast episode, I dive into something really exciting: the role of minerals in thyroid health. I think this could be a game-changer for so many of us dealing with thyroid issues.
Here's the thing: when your thyroid's out of whack, it doesn't just affect your physical health. It can make you feel unsafe in your own body, like you can't trust what's going on inside. And let's be real, that kind of stress can impact everything - your relationships, your self-esteem, even your ability to focus on bigger goals.
But here's where it gets interesting: I truly believe that mineral replacement therapy could be the n...
In this episode, I talk about how antibiotics have never been tested safe for the human microbiome. They are also one of the most toxic classes of drugs and doctors hand them out like candy.
It's time to be HONEST about this excess overuse of antibiotics, so we can make educated decisions and create a better path to support our health.
Listen to Episode #72: The Dark Side of Antibiotics : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
I'm very passionate about this after seeing hundreds of clients health harmed in the long run in part by excess use of antibiotics over the course of their lives.
We can do better. In fact, we must.
Antibiotics are a class of medications that can save lives (when used appropriately). However, antibiotics are extremely overprescribed and most are quite toxic.
They should be used as a last resort, not the first. Very often, simple, inexpensive natural methods of healing infections work well, with far fewer adverse effects.
In the episode ...
In this episode, I share what's been on my mind of late. One thing that keeps coming up is standing in your own truth and sovereignty.
Being your full true self is a great source of energy. So many people lacking vitality are missing this piece of the puzzle.
The more you are ignited with appropriate nutrients the more empowered you will become as well. The more energy you’ll have to feel capable and stand in your own personal truth especially when it does not align with the herd.
Listen to Episode #70: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
The conformity mentality: "Everyone I know is doing X - so it can’t possibly be wrong?"
If you are comparing your choices in life to the ‘herd mentality’ you are NOT allowing yourself to be yourself. Meaning, you are unwilling to do the inner work to choose your own path. Your research is never complete just by towing the line of conformity - it just means you’ve given up and in and th...
It's no secret I've got a big beef with how we over recommend vitamin D supplements.
To be fair, I don't like hyping up any single nutrient as a god unto itself.
It's not how nature intended for us to receive our nutrition and it loses it's full spectrum benefits and turns into a hazard in the human system.
I shared a funny reel to show just how cult-y this whole excess vitamin D thing has gotten -watch it HERE.
You can also go back and read my past posts on the blog about what treating this one nutrient as a god unto itself can do when taken in excess by itself for too long.
Read; 'What you need to know to assess 'Vitamin D' more thoroughly' and 'How excessive vitamin D supplements can suppress thyroid function'.
I went on to share in an Instagram TV video, a few more big picture ways to view this whole excess D taking conundrum. I promise you don't have to be REACTIVE about vitamin D in light of all the excessive talk about it this past year.
You can start today with simple steps an...
In this episode, I shared some insights after being on a quick getaway to Ithaca New York and staying in an AirBnb that used laundry detergent with heavy perfumes.
I referenced two of my past podcast episodes on mold, you can find those links below.
Listen to Episode #69: Navigating life with chemical sensitivities and mold : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
One of the things I know about myself is that if I go and stay anywhere for any length of time, I don't want to be trapped with chemicals. Like a long car ride with someone who uses a lot of laundry detergent, or sleeping a bed with all those chemicals either.
To me, it's obvious to avoid personal care and home care products that have toxins in them. To the rest of the world it's not. So, instead of demanding change from the world, I know I must be prepared to adapt to it so I don't react symptomatically.
In case you have not yet made the switch in your personal or home care products, I highly recomme...
In this episode, I shared some insights after being on a quick getaway to Ithaca New York. (By the way, have you ever been?)
I referenced a past podcast with Amy Love; 'Pleasure is the way out of burnout' and talked about what it takes to live a turned on life in the modern day (it may not be what you think).
Listen to Episode #68: Living a turned on life : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
My micro semi-local getaway was very intentional to be able to connect more deeply with nature (in a new place) and with my man. We both needed to change things up.
The thing is that nature therapy isn't just a nice to have, it's a need to have. Humans are designed to thrive in a more natural environment and setting. It support cognitive function, physical health and psychological well-being. The further you get away from nature the more lost you become.
While we were away, I was able to take a break from my work routine which is always helpful for creativity. I had some...
Hydration, a super basic habit we all need to employ so we can enjoy vibrant health. The first sign of dehydration is fatigue. And no, I'm not talking about just plain water.
Please go check out my podcast episode where I might have ranted a bit about proper hydration in a persuasive yet big picture overview way like I tend to do.
It's episode #34; 'The Essential Habit You Need To Increase Energy' and you can listen HERE.
Summer time is often when most people start to pay more attention to their hydration, because the sun and heat take it out of you. The problem is, most people are not getting sufficient minerals (electrolytes) to deeply hydrated cells, tissues and organs.
So, I decided to make it super easy for you and created a homemade electrolyte recipe that is a replacement for Gatorade. We all know about Gatorade, right? We don't want the artificial colorings, preservatives, sugars and poor mineral forms from Gatorade. So, it's best to make our own. It's also cheaper by the way. ...
While most of the population lives in fear and trusts the main stream narrative, I’ll just be over here benefiting from huge huge advances in technology and science in relation to the human microbiome.
Check out this video where I unbox a BiomeFX stool analysis and share what it is and why I love it.
To have a healthy microbiome is to have optimal health yet no one alive has perfected this yet and it’s no wonder. We are exposed to more chemicals and toxins than ever before and decreasing food diversity and quality.
If you’re one of the deep divers and you want to dig in to your microbiome to optimize your health, keep reading.
One of the most common trends I'm seeing in my practice as I review more BiomeFX results is low levels of good bacteria.
In ones microbiome a low diversity of good bacteria can cause more issues than high levels of pathogens 🦠
And it’s far more common.
It’s dysbiosis in the sense that the body does not have enough to work with for function and can set the body up ...
In this episode, I chat about how to prepare your skin to build your solar callous and stay safe in the sun. It's more about what you do before hand. This is an important part of life we can all improve and it will be important for the rest of our living days. I've got lots of tips so you can create a year round plan to enjoy the sun and stay safe out there!
Listen to Episode #67: Safe Summer Sun Sessions : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
Unfortunately we have created a fear of the sun in our culture. Not only that but we've created a bad habit of slathering ourselves with toxic sunscreen. Yet, we cannot thrive without the sun on our skin for various health benefits.
Really understanding safe sun exposure is about understanding how light interacts with our body and our cells.
We want to figure out how to do this as much as possible in micro doses so that we become more tolerant to sun exposure while also doing the least amount of damage. You've gotta. ...
In this episode, I'm dishing out some important deeper health connections in light of the epidemic of NSAID use in this country. Folks, we have an inflammation problem but not a figuring out why solution (for the most part).
Listen to Episode #66: NSAIDs deplete glutathione (+what's up with NAC) : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
The problem is it sets us up for deeper trouble. Ibuprofen depletes glutathione - glutathione is present in every cell in the body, it is a key regulator of the immune system. It's especially important for liver function and for detoxification.
Low glutathione levels are associated with over 74 DIS - EASES. It's been widely studied and we've found that almost 80% of people with chronic ailments were found to be deficiency in glutathione.
I also shared about how NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) is a precursor to glutathione and it's recently been pulled out of circulation for purchase.
Hopefully you will have a big picture overview after l...
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