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How To Absolutely Protect Your Health This Spring

Heading into this spring of 2020, there is a lot going on in the world that may cause a bit of concern as to how to protect your health.

As a mom of four boys and a nutritional therapist, health educator I've spent the past several weeks beefing up our normal health regime. I am taking personal responsibility to do everything I can to make sure my body is healthy. It's no one else's job other than my own.

Now more than ever is a great time to create a lifestyle that deeply supports your health. In this post I am going to share some of my top insights so you can be proactive instead of reactive.  No fear, just facts so you can make responsible calm decisions to support your health.

Personally, I have a long term health history of respiratory/sinus health issues, as well as am a recovered asthmatic and recovering from long term mold exposure. I still can struggle with being able to breathe at full capacity. So, in light  of the spring allergy season and the corona virus, both...

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt and Pursue Your Dreams

Here you and I are, in a brand new decade, ready to embrace a life full of purpose, joy and pleasure.

I don't know about you, but if I have learned anything this past decade, it's this; self-doubt kills dreams more than anything else.

Self-doubt serves no purpose, it just holds you back from living the life you want.

Why do you doubt yourself?

For me it was conditioning from childhood (from my parents, my church, society etc...). I didn’t feel like I was worth much of anything for various reasons.

But now that I’m an adult it’s my job to parent myself out of that conditioning and mind space.

Here’s the thing; you and I were meant for something special while we live and breath on the planet. You and I, we each have our own purpose, calling, darma and gifts.

And deep inside you and I, our deepest gifts are there, even if we don’t 'see' them yet.

Your life purpose, your gifts, your dreams - they are are MEANT to come out of you and into this 3 dimensional...

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Celebrating the Miracle Boy Who Made Me a Mommy

joy single motherhood Dec 01, 2019

Today, I am celebrating my oldest son, Caleb’s, 21st birthday.

And, I’m a little over the moon.

So, indulge me as I share (like any momma proudly would) about his miraculous entry into this world and what he has taught me.

My pregnancy with Caleb was rather unexpected and came at a time in my life where I was ‘lost’ for lack of a better way to express that period.

I didn’t know what I wanted in life, or where I was going and I wasn’t in tune with who I really truly was deep down.

So yeah … LOST.

With the pregnancy came much upheaval in my life and many complications with my health.

Fast forward to the day I had to take myself to the hospital because I could barely breathe, (you see, I had a history of asthma since I was 13).

That visit, while only 33 weeks pregnant, landed me in the hospital overnight and then for well over a week.

You see, Caleb was in what was called a footling breech position.

Where one of his feet was lowered over my...

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How To Overcome 'Energetic Clutter' From Burning You Out

Are you getting burned out by all the things you take into your life that seem like you want to pursue but they just load up like too many plates you have to spin?

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As a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur, I've found it quite easy to let the fire of my drive and hunger consume me in a way that leads to burn out.

And I've seen this very pattern in the women I coach, as well as the students I teach.

BURNED OUT with no energy to pursue what you really want!

It starts with an excitement for what is possible. However, that excitement without boundaries or clarity can end up becoming too much of a good thing. It becomes excessive energy, TOO MUCH to carry.  Which leads to overwhelm, exhaustion and the metaphorical 'spinning too many plates syndrome'.

What happens is then you end up not being able to focus, because your energy is leaking out in way too many ways and directions.

Where there is no focus or boundaries, enthusiasm can...

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How To Create A Life Full Of Ultimate Pleasure

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here.

It's totally possible to create a pleasure filled life that you love... even if you are currently in so much physical, mental, emotional pain you can't even fathom how.

Perhaps you're currently struggling with being pigeonholed into a corner of burnout from your own particular set of life challenges (your health included). You may find you are so overwhelmed that all you want to do is check out or numb out in some way by the end of the day. You no longer experience pleasure for the sake of pleasure alone.

I've been there...

Maybe right now you are worrying way too much about the potential of your current health hazards and symptoms, thinking you have some kind of scary illness or disease. This level of over-worrying is making it impossible for you to experience all that life has to offer.

Whether it is stress, anxiety or a recent illness, the challenges you have been through or a currently going through have completely drained...

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Do What Makes You Feel Inspired, Happy, and Alive

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

I am betting as a woman you've likely struggled with an internal battle where you've felt 'stuck'. You have felt that you aren't where you'd like to be in your life journey (according to you). Maybe you're currently stuck doing soul sucking work in a body plagued with burn out (which comes with a myriad of annoying symptoms), totally unable to perform your job effectively.  In addition to being able to be a fully supportive friend, partner or parent. Maybe you even wish you could quit your job, because it doesn't feed your soul and instead you'd rather just focus on what does make you feel inspired.

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here.

{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

You may even have figured out what your soul passion is, and when you allow...

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How To Actually Create A Healthy Relationship With Food

Have you ever felt like your physical, mental, emotional health was so out of control that you tried obsessively control it with food?

Do you constantly think about your food so much, you worry about everything you put in your mouth and wonder if your body will react ?

Do you feel like there aren't any safe foods your body can tolerate right now?

Do you restrict to the point of complete misery and still aren't getting better, which then leads into episodes of binge eating to comfort the physical, mental, emotional pain you are in?

The Bigger Problems That Ensue When You're In Burnout & 'Food Obsessed'

You begin to feel insane and your thoughts drive you so crazy . This food obsession literally sucks all the joy out of eating and creeps into your entire life. You may get moody at meal times, and not really be satisfied with what you are eating. Then you entertain thoughts of secretly binging but become depressed because you know that could derail your health for days. So you...

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How To Boldly Go After Your Big Dreams

7 years ago I was gearing up to take my final exams to become certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I was both nervous and excited.

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #47 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Nervous about the exam itself, but more so about how on earth I would pave a path to turn my training and certification into an actual money-making career. Excited to leap and see what was possible, excited to do what my soul had called me into.

Let me hit the rewind button for a minute…

Just 3 years prior, (2009) I was getting my resolve to leave my ex for good, and I did. I had become emotionally beaten down, physically drained to my core and somehow had to get up every day to lovingly take care of my 4 boys. My ever declining health made it incredibly hard to figure out how to leave and how I would care for myself and my kids.

I honestly didn't know how bad it was until a month and a half after he was...

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How To Relieve Chronic Stress So You Feel Fantastic

*Listen on the podcast: How to relieve chronic stress so you feel fantastic

I've shared my story, here on the blog in numerous posts, about how unrelenting chronic stress in my life nearly took me down. It got so bad, I ended up in total burnout and experienced PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).  PTSD is a psychological and emotional stress disorder that causes someone to believe that they are unable to cope with the demands placed on their inner world. It is a negative perception of highly stressful or traumatic situations that manifests itself through emotional and physical symptoms.

I'm hear to share more about how chronic stress can be overcome before it's too late. Truth be told, this applies to everyone, whether your circumstances were as intense as mine or not.

That said, I am seeing more and more women, especially single moms struggle with the severity of stress induced to PTSD. In fact, 7 million people in the United States suffer from PTSD.

Unmanaged stress is at...

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What Happens When You Actually Like Yourself

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I love to get up when the house is quiet in the morning, long before anyone else awakes. I brew my coffee in my stainless steel french press and cozy up to my ceramic owl mug, savoring the comfort of every sip. It's a gift I give myself every chance I get.

This sacred ritual allows me to just BE. To journal my thoughts, to reflect on things, to use the extra intuition found in my tarot spreads and then to write, hike, meditate - whatever I feel compelled to. I may jot down some to-do's for later, but the first matter of affairs is attending to my soul, my inner self. This is what I choose to nourish with because I truly want to love and care for myself.

It wasn't always this way for me... mind you, I've always been a deep...

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