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8 Signs You May Have Leaky Gut

One of the keys to recovering from burnout includes healing your gut. When I say, healing your gut, I'm referring primarily to your small intestines. However, your entire GI tract and digestive system all work together, heal together and fall apart together. That shared, your GUT impacts your entire human system. No part of you works in isolation, ever.

Leaky gut is when the integrity of your small intestine lining is impaired and becomes permeable. This permeability allows the contents in your small intestines to leak into your bloodstream and cause a reaction by your body. Your body sees this leakage as a foreign invader and mounts an inflammatory response (or attack). It can be slow and subtle until it's not. That's when your symptoms may get louder and more obvious to you.

I shared 8 signs you may have leaky gut in an IGTV video (HERE). If you learn better from conversations than you do from reading, head on over and check it out. There's a lot more in the video than what I'll...

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PODCAST: Mindful (Impactful) Movement with Master TTapp Trainer Margaret Barry

In this episode I have a very fascinating and empowering conversation with my colleague Margaret Barry about mindful but impactful movement with TTapp.

Since many of my clients come to me in a state of burnout or chronic fatigue, talking about appropriate effective movement is a must have conversation. Too much or too little while ignoring the lymphatic system and fascia is very common. 

Listen in to learn the myriad of benefits from this modality of movement- that saves you time, does not require a gym or equipment, increases bone density, targets multiple muscles with each move, pumps your lymph, helps keep your fascia smooth and can benefit anyone. 

I had so much fun talking to Margaret, my inner nerd was so turned on learning all about the body in such a holistic way. This episode is one to listen to more than once. Enjoy!


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

Find more info about Margaret and her work:


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PODCAST: What you need to know before you supplement with zinc

In this podcast episode, I'm zeroing in on zinc and why you don’t want to just blindly supplement with it. I’ve kept my mouth shut long enough. As I’ve watched all the health recs in holistic circles over this past year, I’ve internally cringed a lot at posts that are DECLARATIVE about what nutrients you need to fight the C word or ‘boost your immune system’.

Let me explain why…

Holistically speaking, you and everyone else are very different in  your current biochemistry
While you may be human and certain nutrients need to be on board for certain things
You are also a complex holistic piece of art who cannot be ‘treated’ like anyone else.

Since zinc has come into the spotlight quite a bit lately, I'm here to give you some insight before you go out and just start taking it blindly.

I have worked with hundreds and hundreds of people (mostly women then kids some men) and observed how zinc can be quite tricky to navigate.

Yes zinc...

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PODCAST: Your brain on copper

In this episode, I'm continuing on with my series about copper and mineral burnout and how it impacts your health. Specifically, I discuss (albeit briefly) the psychological and emotional effects of excess unbound copper. When copper builds up and is not bound for use, it gets stored in various organs. The liver is the first place, but once the liver can't hold any more it begins to build up in the brain.

Excessive levels in the brain lead to depression, anxiety and eventually neurotransmitter imbalances. So if you do not understand this downstream affect of mineral burnout, you'll likely only take stabs at your health with a 'bandaid' approach instead of getting to the root which is assessing your own biochemistry in a holistic manner.

I highly recommend going back and listening to episodes 18 (HERE),19 (HERE) and 20 (HERE) first. 


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

Recap of how...

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PODCAST: Copper’s Impact on your Adrenals & Thyroid

In this episode, I pick up with my conversation educating you about the downstream effects copper has on your mineral system and your body. I highly recommend going back and listening to episodes 18 (HERE) and 19 (HERE) first. 

In order to help exhausted women get their spark back I want to share how the body melts down so you can stop piece-mealing your health and dig into supporting your entire system and self (mind/body/emotions).


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

High level overview of what burnout actually feels like
How excessive tissue copper leads to a depression of both adrenal and thyroid activity
Why I do not recommend 'piecemealing' your health
The slowing of the thyroid's effectiveness at the cell level which decreases your metabolism. Long term stress rising leads to an emotional stress response getting triggered

I talk about this conundrum of how excess copper...

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PODCAST: The Downstream Health Effects of Copper

In this episode, I'm expounding on episode 18 where I talked about the #1 mineral imbalance that leads to burnout, which is copper. I share more about how exposure to excess copper in forms not useful to the body lead to mineral burnout. Then I share what the effects in the body are from that. 

If you are struggling with 'burnout' also know as 'adrenal fatigue' or even have chronic fatigue or hypothyroidism or maybe you don't even know those are an issue for sure but you just feel drained, unmotivated and like you lost your spark : this episode is for you. Especially if you want to take ownership of your well being and learn more about how your body works and how your body has declined so you can start to do something about it.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

Personal responsibility for your own well being
How this excess of the wrong form of copper depletes key minerals

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PODCAST: #1 Mineral Imbalance Leading to Burnout

In this episode, I shared how 1 key mineral in excess for the past 50 years has become a prevalent issue leading to burnout.

After recovering from my own burnout and helping well over 1000 women and practitioners - I have seen copper excess and imbalance be a leading cause. I shared how this has become the case, even though most other health circles are not talking about it. I also share how this imbalance affects your health so you can become aware of it.

Burnout is not who you are or how you should feel and exist. You are meant to be a master full of vitality living in your true genius. Getting your minerals balanced will be a big key to facilitating you being able to fully be YOU.


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode I talk about:

copper has increased in it's use therefore increased in our bodies
how this excess of the wrong form of copper for human use has wreaked havoc on the body
how copper in...

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VIDEO: How a long term vegetarian diet exacerbates copper toxicity


In the video above, I share a sneak peek into a client's Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) graph.

Her HTMA results are what is called an extreme Slow 1 oxidative type with elevated tissue copper. In this oxidative type, food is burned at a slower-than-optimum rate. 'Oxidation' means to burn. This oxidation rate is mainly determined by how well the thyroid and adrenal glands are functioning. In this case, both are underactive, therefore the metabolism is slowed way down. A great example is like driving with the parking break on.

When this two glands are 'sluggish' (at the cellular level) the symptoms can include; fatigue, depression, constipation, difficulty losing weight, poor circulation, low blood pressure, dry skin and hair. As well one may tend to get sick more easily and recover slowly.

In the video, I cover the first four macro minerals and
3 key ratios that explain the top health concerns she came to me for; fatigue, digestion and bloating. As well as the top reason her...

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VIDEO: What total burnout looks like on a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) graph


In the video above, I share a sneak peek into a client's Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) graph.

Her HTMA results are what is called a Fast 4 oxidative type. This combination is associated with the exhaustion stage of stress, often reflected in extreme fatigue, depression and anxiety.

In the video, I cover the first four macro minerals and what happens in the body and emotions when each mineral is out of balance. In her case, all four macro minerals; calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, were low.

I also shared some insights into the most important mineral ration on her hair test. A low sodium-to-potassium ration. When this ratio is low, it indicates a reduced vitality and impaired electrical balance within the cells. Sodium is an extracellular element while potassium belongs inside the cells. A decrease in the ratio indicates a loss of potassium into the interstitial spaces as cells are destroyed (even if the potassium is showing high on the hair test).

This low ratio is...

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PODCAST: What do you want? With David Hayward

In this podcast episode, I have a powerful conversation with my good friend David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor. I brought him on because he has been a rock for me personally on my own journey back to be me. I found him the year I 'woke up' to be able to say it's A Joy To Be Me. (Which is why I chose to name my podcast what I did).


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode we talk about how:

You are completely okay as you are,.
You are VALID.
You are a creative wonderful thoughtful beautiful person just as you are.
There is nothing you have to be, except who you are.
If you can get to that place of self-trust where you can just embrace yourself and love yourself, that's when things start happening!
Realizing what you want is not selfish
It's okay to have what you want
Knowing what you want and just doing what you want

De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want...

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