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In this episode, I'm going back to one of the fundamentals of mineral balancing for overall health and covering MAGNESIUM.
Listen to episode #113 : Assessing Magnesium Deficiency - Find: A Joy To Be Me - ON: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or SpotifyÂ
I've talked about it many times on the podcast in the past but I'm always having the same conversation over and over with new people coming in. So I figured it was time to revisit an approach to magnesium, so more people can be more thorough in their approach with a better comprehension. PLUS, I share a 31 question assessment to help you gauge where you are at on the magnesium deficiency scale. Be ready to jot your answers down.Â
I also shared how to approach getting adequate magnesium with a LOT of caveats -you are gonna want to tune and hear.
If you liked this episode, here are more you may also enjoy:
- How to destress with the most magical mineralÂ
- How to get magnesium right fr...
In today's post, I wanted to share something that came up for me in my journaling recently. I was listening to a podcast by Rainer Wylde; I can't recall which one.
Listen to this on the podcast; Episode #112 - Detoxing your conditioning: show the mess! Find: A Joy To Be Me On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
However, It nudged me to recall a part of my past as he stated; " I am not a proponent for staying at all costs. You have to have 2 people fully committed to growth." When talking about relationships/partnerships/marriage.Â
He also encouraged people to 'show the mess'. The truth is that message had already been coming through over and over and over.
At first, I was like; "I thought I already was showing the mess? I'm pretty open already."
Then it hit me; there is more I can share that I haven't yet shared and in so doing, perhaps it will liberate others. I know when I hear others have struggles that I think are unique to only me, it gives me a bit of alleviation. Not because ...
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Your biology is changed by your own energy.Â
Your energy is what affects matter.Â
When you change your energy you change your body.Â
Joe Dispenza talks about this in his work; his books, videos and meditations. So does Bruce Lipton.Â
Listen to episode #111: You are the placebo : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Buzzsprout, Stitcher, Spotify or anywhere you tune into podcasts.Â
Between one-third and two-thirds of all healing is down to the placebo effect, not therapies, drugs, injections, shots or surgery. The placebo is just a sugar-pill where someone is healed by the belief theyâll get better: positive thinking.
Now the nocebo effect is equally powerful, caused by negative thoughts. The belief you have a terminal illness can actually cause you to die, and negative thinking is much more common collectively in society today.
You are either the placebo or the nocebo.Â
In this episode; I shared a powerful message and a client transformation j...
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Listen to Episode #110: Stop using toxic products, you deserve better: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
I live in a body that feels like itâs being assaulted when encountering toxins.
Particularly those with toxic scents.
When I enter any new enclosed space my radar is always up.
Will there be toxic air fresheners?
Will the bedding be covered in toxic fragrance?
Will the trash be lined with âscentedâ bags?
Will there be perfume scented candles burning or incense?
Will the floor have been mopped with chemicals?
Will there be natural soaps available to use or scented toxic ones?Â
Will the dishwasher have used non toxic detergent so there are no chemicals on the dishes I use to eat or drink from?
Will there be cat dander or litter and if so, how long will I have to be in a closed space with those things -will they affect me? Can I open the windows or will it be warm enough to go outside?
Will there...
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Getting the help we need shouldnât be so damn hard. However, for many of us it is.
The truth is, society is not set up for our health & well being. We are all more collectively burned out than any of us cares to admit. We donât want to admit it because we make it mean something bad about ourselves. We feel shame, grief, frustration . . . we feel like we just have to keep showing up saving face OR we canât show our true mess or needs for fear of judgment or rejection. Perhaps we feel like we are being a burden. Perhaps we feel like people wonât really understand or be able to help us.
Listen to Episode #109: Asking for help: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
The truth is, I myself have needed help for far longer than Iâve been willing to admit. As a single mom of four boys, what I really needed all this time was a community that would help me raise my sons. There are a myriad of reasons why I di...
I had a couple clients bring this up this week: anything in 3s I know I need to do a podcast -so here it is.Â
Listen to Episode #108: When your blood pressure is low, so are you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
First person was someone who has been burning the candle at both ends since forever and just started back up training for the most intense race of her life. She was puzzled by why she couldnât do it like she could before one day when she had shortness of breath and dizziness. I asked her to get her blood pressure checked ASAP because off hand she did not know what it was or the last time it was checked.Â
Hereâs why itâs an important marker for health, especially when itâs low NAMELY because we never hear anything about what to do if itâs low or what it means if itâs low but rather are just ushered along; after hearing âyour BP is nice and lowâÂ
They donât have a medication for that (yet) so itâs clearly nothing to be concerned aboutâŚ
It's not helpf...
In this episode, I chat with my friend Brian Hoyer and EMF expert. We cover all the forms of EMFs we are currently exposed to, and how to reduce exposures. Why we want to reduce exposures and how this impacts our health.
Watch through the video player in the blog post above or on YouTube HERE.Â
Years ago when Brian was in my area of Southeast PA, we created a couple of videos. You can check those out HERE ( How to get better sleep and improve your health ), HERE ( Why Microwaves are bad for you ) and HERE (How to eat healthy on the road ).Â
Grab a refreshing mineral rich beverage and be ready to take copious notes : this is like a mini course for those who want to start taking immediate action steps.Â
Brian goes over what he calls the 3 D's:Â
- Downtime (sleep, eat, detox)
- Duration (of exposure)
- Distance (from source of exposure)
He also shared a few resources while we chatted. Two books mentioned were; Boiled Frog Syndrome and EMF'd by Dr. Mercola. As well as articles on Near Infrared Li...
I wanted to share a couple of cool things with you real quick
First a quick win story from a single mom of two little girls. She had been having a lot of difficulty at bedtime getting the girls to settle down to go to bed, stay in bed and fall asleep. It was beginning to take its toll. I suggested she try putting the ReMag balm on their feet before bed. She finally got back to tell me: it worked like a charm. The girls are going to bed peacefully now.
Before they would do the whole drag bedtime thing out, and this poor single momma was getting quite frazzled because that was her own decompress time. If you havenât tried out the ReMag Balm yet, you can grab some HERE. Use code: LydiaShatney on your first order to save 10%
Another benefit of magnesium in light of a pending topic Iâll be discussing with my friend Brian Hoyer, an EMF expert, on the podcast this week : is EMF protection.
Something to note that no one seems to be talking about while working on EMF protection solutions
5G can i...
Navigating food intolerances/sensitivities is something I have gone through myself and itâs something I have to explore with many clients as well. There can be a lot of moving parts to this food âallergyâ equation. Itâs not as simple as ONLY avoiding or removing because then you never uncover what led to this and what can lead you back towards freedom.
That shared, in episode #106, I share some thoughts and a reframe for you as well as some considerations to start with before going straight to eliminating foods.Â
Listen to Episode #106: Talking about food sensitivities & why elimination doesn't heal you: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify
It is important to honor our bodies where they are at when they signal a NO around a food. BUT itâs equally, if not more so, important to live in a FREE body. A body that doesnât have to view real food as a threat. That is not a joyful way to have to live.
Iâve seen some pretty amazing things happen around recovering fo...
Words are spells that lead to magic, or not.Â
If you look at the word DIET - you can see the first 3 letters spell the word DIE.Â
A mentality that focuses on a diet can lead to seeing food as the enemy. It causes people to focus on their bad habits (perceived or real). People often choose to go on a diet to fix things they don't like about themselves, including fixing the number on the scale. Diets perpetuate a goal with the end in mind, a temporary 'fix'.Â
If you look at the word HEALTH - you can see the first 4 letters spell the word HEAL.Â
A mentality that focuses on food as nourishment and fuel. It causes people to focus on good habits and increasing their gains to crowd out their drains. It changes the timeline to a way of life versus a quick fix. It helps us focus on daily choices to help us move towards what we do want for our health and life versus what we don't want.Â
Big difference. The choice is yours: "Die" or "Heal"}
What does the word âdietâ mean to you? The word actually comes...
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