So many health trends out there in 2020 which one should I pick to try ?Â
Right now biohacking your health is trendy.The keto diet is trendy. Super food bowls are trendy. Veganism is growing strong.Â
Doesn't matter what the trend, none of them are complete healing paths. They are all just hacks, not necessarily getting you the building blocks you need for optimal health.Â
Many of my clients come to me having tried this diet or that diet or this trend or that trend. They are still missing something because they don't have the energy they would like and they feel SO ON EDGE. Not to mention a myriad of other random health complaints that all the hacks and health 'bandaids' they've tried haven't fixed.Â
The truth of the matter is, the trends are like throwing fancy decor in a house that is missing some of it's foundations. When you are missing the key building blocks in the foundation of your health you won't create lasting health. You won't get the results you truly want. Why? Because a house...
If anything 2020 has highlighted, it’s that we need to be WAY more resilient as humans.
Both in our physical health, but also our mental health.
Not to mention increase our bandwidth to better deal with stress.
So it can roll like water off a duck’s back, know what I mean?!
Your internal reserves are what give you resilience.
People who struggle with feeling like they are about to collapse if one more life stress comes their way, are usually dealing with deficient inner reserves.
What do I mean?
Well they don’t have the building blocks in place for their body to run
optimally so they can deflect life's stressors like a super power.
They don’t know they are missing the building blocks for one thing. Next they don't even know what building blocks they need. Additionally, they are burning up what little reserves they have by falling deeper into the rabbit hole known as the modern life.
What are they missing that keeps their reserves in place?
Well, MINERALS for one thing.
At the core of ...
In episode #31 of the podcast, I'm sharing thoughts and resources to help you deal with imposter syndrome. A psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".
Imposter syndrome is when you doubt yourself, your skills, talents or accomplishments. You may have a persistent ongoing internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". This can happen in many areas of your life.
Imposter syndrome can be DEBILITATING. It can cause stress, anxiety, low self confidence, shame and even depression.Â
One of it's biggest limits is that it affects your ability to go after what you want in life.
BUT what if impostor syndrome could help you pave the way to success and your big beautiful dreams? What if you could learn how to use it to your advantage?
Remember your brain is always trying to keep you SAFE.
So if you learn to listen to what your imposter syndrome voice is really trying to say and l...
Bile acts like Pac-Man in the liver and intestines where it gobbles up fats, heavy metals, pesticides, unwanted bacteria, and numerous other chemicals that can cause problems in the digestive tract.
Bile is a digestive fluid created by your liver and stored in your gallbladder. Bile is important in digestion and absorption of fat in the small intestine.
If your body has sludgy bile your mood will suffer. You can even become constipated and anxious!
Bitter foods, like my current obsession, radicchio; help you digest your food. This is important because if you don't digest well you don't benefit from the good real food you just ate.
BITTER stimulates your liver to produce BILE.
Bile helps your body break down the healthy fats you eat so you can readily absorb them as well as your fat soluble vitamins.
I love to pair bitter foods with meals that I know have a fair amount of fat, like my chicken salad that has quite a bit of mayo AND some additional olive oil.
Bile secreted by your li...
In this podcast episode, I'm talking about how to get in sync with your cycle, your infradian rhythm. A woman's 28 day cycle rhythm.
When you really know your cycle, the ebbs and flows of your hormones and how that changes your brain over the course of the month, you can work with the shifts instead of against yourself. Understanding how you ebb and flow during your cycle can become a huge source of freedom and energy for you.Â
A few years back I had a cycle that woke me up in a big way. It went REALLY long and hit REALLY hard. Not only that I noticed how dramatically differently I felt in the different phases of my cycle. I had also started getting headaches that coincided with a specific time of the month. I noticed my energy starting to dip significantly during my luteal phase and after being in burnout for so long I paid attention to my body cues so I could SLOW down.
I decided to get to know my cycle more intimately and study the hormones, the cycles and even set an intention to ge...
In this podcast episode, I'm diving into how to flow with your feminine energy to avoid burning out trying to hustle in your 'masculine' energy too much.
The masculine energy likes to DO, and the feminine energy craves to just BE. If you've hung out with me at all on the podcast or social you'll have heard me time and time again encouraging women to stop DOING so much and start BEING more.
I personally got burned the heck out as a single mother and sole-preneur because I spent a lot of time learning how to operate in my masculine energy. It took me a long time to figure this part of my health out and when I did it brought so much relief. It freed up so much energy to allow myself to operate more in my natural energy which is my feminine energy. I began to FLOW in my life, work and relationships.
I have seen this tendency for the modern woman and mother to be very hyper-vigilant which is more of a masculine energy. Losing sight of the beauty and freedom to be more in their true feminine...
In this podcast episode (#28), I have a dynamic conversation with Kris Kross who owns a Red Light company called EMR-tek. We talk about what red light therapy is, why we need it for your health, how blue light harms us as well as some practical steps you can take to swap your light. If you want to learn how to turbo charge your cells and reduce harm from excess blue light definitely give this episode a listen.
Blue light also causes you to use up your glutathione reserves, so you end up leaking energy and wasting your glutathione. If we could just swap out our light we can give ourselves a better fighting chance.
It's all about Harm Reduction
Blue light is toxic to you the worst part is oxidative stress and free radical damage. You can turbo charge your ATP with red light (the correct spectrum of light for human health).
The #1 thing you can start to do today to help with harm reduction is swap your light (at home and in your work environment to the degree it’s possible).
Here is a star...
And why is it sucking away my joy? It won't once you learn more about YOUR own histamine symptoms and how to support your body in light of them. In this episode, I'm dishing out a super quick high level overview on histamine intolerance. What it is, what the symptoms are and what some of the root issues are.
This way you can take a more holistic approach to support your health as well as recover. Instead of just taking a 'bandaid' approach, like OTC meds which never get to the root cause of your symptoms. News flash; there are no quick fixes so stop looking for them. Learn to embrace the learning curve so you can get ot the root and save yourself a lot of future time spent being 'ill' or having to constantly find 'work arounds'Â for your health flare ups. There is so much joy waiting to be experienced when you have a fully alive body.
{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }
In this episode, I"m picking back up with my series of podcast episodes on copper. Go back and start with episode #18 if you haven't been following along. That shared I'm digging in to how excess imbalanced copper can wreak havoc on your digestion and gut over time.Â
{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }
People with excess copper stored in their body very often will also have gut concerns, including candida and yeast. Excess copper allowed to continue leads to mineral burnout that leaves your body unable to properly produce hydrochloric acid in your stomach. This reduction in HCl leads to poor nutrient absorption, gluten sensitivity and yes even leaky gut. If you don't know what leaky gut is or why it matters, go back and read my post; '8 Signs You May Have Leaky Gut'.
One of copper's roles is that of an anti-fungal, and when it is in the right balance in your body, it helps to control fungi, yeast or candida in the gu...
In this episode, I'm sharing my observations on the top mistakes women make when they are 'trying' to recover their health or before they even start. This is to bring awareness so you can re-frame how you view your health journey.
The first thing, I think needs to be understood is how your brain tries to keep you safe. It's important to understand you are not a victim of your circumstances - you are a co-creator of your life. I dig into this a bit more in the podcast.
Tune in to get a loving kick towards choosing yourself and laying a foundation for your health. It's not about adding more to your to-do list, it's about creating a lifestyle that allows your health to thrive.
{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }
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