Mineral Foundations: Essential Building Blocks for Lasting Health. Register Now!

PODCAST: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility

In this episode, I shared more about my youngest sons's extreme reactive physical, mental and emotional behaviors. I realize now, he was recovering from trauma that was passed on during my pregnancy and I was also dealing with during his first couple years of life. It showed up in some pretty challenging ways and I was finally able to resolve them all with mineral balancing through HTMA. 

Listen to Episode #50: How I helped my son recover from emotional volatility : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Natural non-invasive healing modalities do exist for those with AD/HD behaviors. There is so much we can do holistically for our kids without chemical medications, without the limitations of what Western medicine offers. 

I can see inside a person's current biochemistry with a tissue mineral analysis, that helps me see their physical, mental and emotional issues based on their mineral pattern. This is how I was able to see my son's hyper and volatile behaviors an...

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PODCAST: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA

In this episode, I have a conversation with Margaret Barry, a fellow practitioner who went through my HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart program. She shared why she wanted to get started with hair tissue mineral analysis for herself (and family) as well as add it to her virtual nutritional therapy practice.  I think you will lover her enthusiasm about what she experienced and learned. 

Listen to Episode #48: Why Practitioners Love Using HTMA : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

You can also WATCH this conversation via video, on this page HERE. There are several other practitioner testimonials as well. Margaret's is the only video on the page. 

I also shared in a past blog/podcast; How I help practitioners get started with HTMA. You can read or listen to that episode HERE. 

More and more practitioners are realizing the incredible importance of functional testing in addition to how not knowing how to address minerals is a missing piece for their practice. Without miner...

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Could you be hypoglycemic without knowing it?

Every hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) I review I see some sort of blood sugar imbalance, usually hypoglycemia, and the person doesn't even realize it's occuring. 

Listen to this blog post on the podcast: Find A Joy To Be Me: Episode #92 on Buzzsprout >HERE< also on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify. 

Basically hypoglycemia is an early stage of diabetes but it’s often ignored in the medical world and so it can progress before you even realize it into diabetes.

Remineralizing in the body helps with our ability to improve glucose metabolism at a very deep level this also gives a level of food diversity back to the person so a high protein or restrictive low carb diet is not necessary. 

Restoring glucose and carbohydrate metabolism is really about restoring the bodies energy system. It’s kind of like if the fuel system in the car wasn’t working right you wouldn’t get enough power to run the car. The same is true in the human body.

Restoring the bodies overall energy system helps ...

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PODCAST: Are your kids in burnout too?

In this episode, I shared about kids in burnout so more mommas can be better equipped. Even if you are a mom in burnout with kids in burnout, you can set a good example for your kiddos and help them recover too. I shared my story, some signs of burnout, why it's more common than we care to admit and what you can do about it. 

Listen to Episode #48: Are Your Kids In Burnout Too? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Over the years of working with other moms to help their kiddos I've seen a growing trend of burnout through hair tissue mineral analysis. To me this is no longer 'shocking' news. It's where we are at collectively in light of multiple factors. Understanding the big picture of what we are up against when it comes to our health and well being is so important. 

Once we understand this we can start to take action. Work to remove the roadblocks (poor nutrition, toxins, clean up our water, stress...) and include more of the building blocks (nutrient dens...

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How To Protect Your Health with Vitamin A

In my journey to recover from burnout and remineralize my body, as well as help my clients do the same, there have been so many nutrients that have helped me get back my spark. Vitamin A has been a key player. 

I did not grow up eating very many vitamin A rich foods (most of us here in the US didn’t). As I result, I struggled with things like; immune health issues; asthma, allergies, respiratory infections, constant thick mucus, skin issues (dry skin, red bumps on my arms and legs) and gut issues galore. As an adult I ended up with serious gut dysbiosis, eczema and a constant battle with keeping my immune system stable. 

It wasn't until I learned more about the fat soluble vitamins, including vitamin A thanks to my friend introducing me to Sally Fallon’s book; Nourishing Traditions. Which then led me to change our diet to more of an ancestral diet including high quality pastured eggs, raw milk/cream and ghee. As well as adding liver to our ground meat dinners once a week when I could...

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How I Help Practitioners Get Started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

I've shared my story about how I personally got started using hair tissue analysis (HTMA) in my holistic health practice (HERE). In this post, I am here to share how I got started helping other holistic practitioners, primarily functional nutritional therapy practitioners, learn how to interpret and integrate HTMA for their own practices. 

Listen to the podcast version of this post- Episode #47 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I often felt like I needed more support and more insight. The truth is, I was already knowledgeable enough to help people and had a lot to offer the world.  However, I felt I lacked experience and wasn’t clear on what was possible for me as a practitioner.

I had a DEEP desire to learn more and my top desire was to get my own hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) done after reading some amazing things about this test. Not to mention, my intuition told me minerals were going to be a key player in my own healing as well as for others.


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How to take a magnesium bath

It's no secret, I'm a big fan of minerals. One of the ways I teach my clients how to remineralize is through topical application. There are a number of ways and reasons to do this. 

Magnesium is the first one I recommend anyone get started with. In a recent post, I explained to you how magnesium helps to relax muscles. But it does so much more than that. 

Why Use Magnesium Transdermally?

The vast majority (if not everyone) of people today have a magnesium deficiency. Our soil has been depleted for so long, our food is too and most people do not get enough in the diet as it stands. It's also not in our water these days. Not to mention, many things easily deplete our tissue magnesium stores.

Taking oral magnesium supplements is often not enough to restore tissue levels of magnesium since we do not actually assimilate all that is ingested. So we must apply it topically to help rebuild (aka: transdermally). 

Why Magnesium Chloride Flakes Are Better Than Epsom Salts to Rebuild Magnesium ...

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PODCAST: Funderful with Cathy Eason

Often times we create more stress when we TRY to do a super clinical protocol after diagnosis of an illness. I truly believe burnout can occur from getting way to caught up in extreme healing protocols. 

In this podcast episode, I have an amazing in depth conversation with Cathy Eason. A colleague and educator who is also recovering from mold illness. We both realized along the way on our journey that FUN and JOY were key to our recovery. 

Listen to Episode #44 Funderful with Cathy Eason : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

In case you missed episode 43 and my mold recovery blog post where I began the conversation of my own story about mold  and how it affected my health and well being; check it out HERE. 

You can learn more about Cathy and her work at her website; Open Door Healing. 
Find her on Facebook and Instagram as well. 

If you like this episode we would love to hear from you - leave review or comment! 

I can help women in burnout once they’ve left ...
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THE Magnesium-Calcium Relationship and Why It Matters For Muscle Health

Dealing with muscle pain, cramps and spasms is a huge energy drain. I have lived with this kind of chronic pain in the past for years and it literally sucks the joy out of life. 

Listen to this blog post share on the podcast; episode #76 : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

The same is true for many of my clients. Clients who experience not only muscle tightness and pain, but cramps and spasms. No amount of body work can correct a muscle cramping issue that is due to a mineral imbalance. 

One of the biggest mineral imbalances we are collectively dealing with today is between calcium and magnesium. Collectively we are dealing with an excess of calcium and a deficiency of magnesium. There are many reasons for this. Our depleted soil for one thing. Calcium fortified foods have been around for many decades, yet nothing has been done to rectify our magnesium deficient soil, water and food. This creates an imbalance in the calcium and magnesium ratio in favor of cal...

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PODCAST: My Mold Recovery

The truth is there are many root causes of burnout and it can take time to find them and root them out. One of the big players in my own burnout was my long term exposure to mold, living in water damaged and musty homes for almost my entire life. 

Listen to Episode #43 My Mold Recovery : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Mold can take your life down to the shitter- I am sharing this to help you get unstuck.

If you have 'tried everything' and are still struggling with a myriad of symptoms such as; chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies, sinus congestion, pain and infections, GI issues, poor detox, hormonal issues, insomnia and more - it's possible chronic mold exposure is at work. 

On my podcast, I shared my own story of how mold affected my health and well being. Recovering from mold illness (and other co-infections) is not a quick fix. The good news is most of us can be restored to health, the bad news is that it takes time.  For me the time it to...

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