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Get more in flow with castor oil packs

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Considering that many woman come to me with issues relating to their cycle or digestion (bloating-feeling sluggish and even moody) I tend to have a few go-to’s that I rely on.

By using castor oil packs, the flow of lymph is increased throughout the body. This helps to speed the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and to reduce the size of swollen lymph nodes. 
If you feel any kind of internal stagnation : it’s time to support your lymph. So often we want to go straight DETOX but we skip the lymph -we live in a sitting society that no longer moves in the ways we once would if we were more connected to nature

Listen to episode #120 : Get more in flow with castor oil packs - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

In this episode I share why castor oil and how to do the packs: who can benefit from them and so much more! Be prepared to learn and then take action! 

Castor oil has been scientifically...

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PODCAST: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood (+a heartfelt client story)

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In this episode I'm chatting about a few things you won't wanna miss. I share a mama bear cry and call to rise up and create health ( the future form of currency we all need to prioritize). 

You cannot give beyond what you yourself have to give : boundaries are essential and the not so sexy self care is non-negotiable. 

Listen to episode #120: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood { +a heartfelt client story } - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I also share, yet again, on magnesium with a call to action and a past episode you gotta check out. And a client wrote in her heartfelt gratitude and in this episode I'm sharing her story as well. 

Despite the fact that magnesium is almost as important for life as the air we breathe I still meet people daily who have no clue of it’s benefits and not only that they are living a magnesium burning way of life (sympathetic : adrenaline burns through magnesium ...

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Guest Podcast: True health and healing

One of my biggest missions this past year has been to find a local like-minded community. I believe that community is a key pillar for our collective health. In these times we have lost the ways of the tribe that our ancestors long ago would have benefitted greatly from. 

In January of this year, I attended an Activation Watch Party to host the Greater Reset Virtual event held by the Freedom Cell movement. It was in Pottstown Pennsylvania and several of my local health and freedom collaborative friends attended as well. 

I met some amazing folks at that event, Jeff being one of them. Jeff and I hit it off right away with some potent convos. We found out each other hosted podcasts and I began to listen to his - the Go-Auf podcast. I was quite impressed. 

Recently we attended a weekend retreat with many others in this growing movement in this corner of our state. It was a powerful weekend and amazing experience. So Jeff and I chatted about that on this episode we recorded on the heels of th...

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Client testimonial: The most energy I've had in my life!

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Over the years I've worked with a lot of women (and now more men) to help unravel their health concerns. One of the biggest things I've noticed is that it's really hard for women to put themselves and their health first.
And I'm on a mission to shift that paradigm.

Listen to episode #119 : Client Testimonial: The most energy I've had in my life - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Your health is your greatest asset and gift. It's no one else's job to take care of your physical health. Only you can do that. Sure other people can encourage you, but no one can do it for you.

I learned the hard way and didn't put my health first for a long time as an adult. I wasn't really modeled how. I grew up on processed food just like you probably did. Once I finally learned better, I to make the choice to do better. So when my health finally did come crashing down, I finally took heed and started putting...

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Talking Microbes: The impacts of low butyrate function

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As you know I believe minerals run the show of the human body, even the microbes in your gut rely on mineral balance. Minerals & Microbes are foundational elements every one of us needs to thrive. In this episode I want to hone in on one aspect of gut health that I see as a key anyone can focus on improving to also benefit their whole health. 

Listen to episode #118 : Talking Microbes -The Impacts of low butyrate function - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

When the gut microbiome is running low in its keystone species this impacts systemic functionality as well. 

For example; one function I see low on all of my clients BiomeFX stool sample results is low butyrate function. It’s one of many BUT here’s why even this one function alone in the low range can impact many things. 

What is butyrate? 

Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that provides fuel for the cells of our gut lining,  supports i...

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Guest Podcast: Mineral Rebalancing for Nervous System Regulation


In this episode, I'm chatting with Christa Bevan, host of the Radical Mother Village podcast.   After multiple encounters with burnout, I knew  there had to be more and needed to find a way to start living the vibrant life I knew was possible.  Through nutritional therapy, mineral balancing, emotional freedom and transformation coaching, I began to create a life I loved and my health turned around completely. 

Watch in the video player above. 
Watch on YouTube. 
Listen to the podcast version on iTunes. 

In this episode you'll learn:

• The benefit of hair tissue mineral analysis instead of other testing options to get a snapshot of your mineral imbalances
• The moment I knew I was burned out and couldn’t keep going the way she had been
• The importance of healthy mineral levels for the functioning of our nervous system and the dangerous consequences if we’re out of balance
• The stabilizing effect minerals can have in our nervous system responses and how the work of rebalancing minerals goe...

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PODCAST: Medical Gaslighting

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In this episode, I tackle the subject of medical gaslighting. It needs to be spoken about and seen for what it is so we can take our power back.

Listen to episode #117 : Medical Gaslighting - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

This is a little bit of a heavy topic BUT a necessary one to tackle so we can break free and move towards freedom of choice out of a very corrupt and broken system.

As with common gaslighting, it causes the individual to doubt their own experiences. Medical gaslighting occurs far too often

Medical gaslighting is a real thing. It can be terrifying or traumatic  to be dismissed or told you are fine when you feel like your body and mind are falling apart.

Tune in to shine the light on this so you can address it head on and avoid it altogether.

Links referred to on this episode:

> Health Insurance does not ensure true health
> Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism...

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PODCAST: My thoughts on food shortages & inflation

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In this episode, I share a powerful rant on the current landscape of our food system.  While we are seeing shortages, inflation and challenges with the global 'food system' there is a way to shift how we approach sourcing our food. 

Listen to episode # 116 : My thoughts on food shortages & inflation - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I'm offering a new perspective that focuses on abundance and creative solutions. We've got this y'all! 

Other podcast episodes I referred to in this episode:

> Food Forest Abundance with Jim Gale 
> Wild Yeast Bakehouse with John Goncher 
> The true cost of high quality food vs cheap processed food 
> Vibrant Botanicals with Jenny of the Nourished Kitchen 

Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart. 


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PODCAST: Let's talk about brain fog

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So, I took a poll recently and asked what podcast episode you wanted me to do the most next and the majority of you voted for BRAIN FOG. 

Listen to episode # 115 : Let's talk about brain fog - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Now here’s the thing -this episode isn't short : which may seem cruel to do to someone who is dealing with brain fog. So please listen when you have a clearer mind and fully hydrate first! 

Brain Fog is one of the most common symptoms I hear about / it’s not recognized medically - because honestly I don’t think they know what to do about it because it’s roots are many and vary from person to person (and we know the medical is very limited when it comes to doing the deeper digging *snark*). It’s also not easy to medically test for and it’s quite subjective.

Brain fog may be described as feelings of mental confusion or lack of mental clarity.  It is called brain fog becau...

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PODCAST: Rebirth, Renewal & Restoration

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In this episode, I shared a message of clarity surrounding this new season we are shifting into. If you are struggling right now with ruminating thoughts around life's challenges and wanting to see a change this episode could bring you some much needed support and clarity. 

Listen to episode #114 : Rebirth, renewal and restoration - Find: A Joy To Be Me ; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I am leaning and learning to be at peace with myself and my present lesson of patience and self-acceptance.  The Universe has a way of providing teachable moments. The lessons may appear in the form of what seem like recurring setbacks that repeat themselves over and over until you absorb what you need to change about your mindset.

To be patient and resilient.

The last 2 days the word resilient has been hanging out with me big time. We are heading into a season of rebirth, renewal and restoration. Spring represents returning to li

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